chapter 16

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Hi guys! I made this chapter longer than usual so enjoy reading :)


3 months later

A smile formed on my lips as I opened my eyes. I dreamt again. Yes, it's still blurry but I could see the changes in every dream I've been having. It was becoming vivid and I felt happy about that progress.

"Good morning, Angel baby. You look happy" Hunter said and kissed me on my temple. We're in a spooning position again and it made my day instantly, like always.

"I dreamt again. I have a feeling that my memories are going to return soon" He became silent. I looked at him when I couldn't wait for his reaction and I caught fear registered on his face.

"Aren't you happy for me, baby?" I asked, furrowing at him.

"O-Of course I'm happy for you. I-It's good that you're finally having progress" He smiled faintly.

"Yes. I'm so excited. At last, I could be whole again. I am anxious too at the same time because of the things that soon I will remember. What if there would be a bad memory?"

"Psshh...don't say such things. We all have painful memories but I'm certain that no matter what, you can handle it. I know you're a strong person and I'm always be here for you, baby. Remember that" He said full of promise and that made me smile sweetly. I kissed his forehead down to the tip of his nose and finally to his lips.

"Let's shower together?" He asked playfully. I rolled my eyes.

"As if I didn't expect that. We've been showering together almost everyday" He smirked and then got off the bed. I didn't expect his next move though. I squealed when he suddenly picked me up from the bed in a bridal style and then quickly strode his way towards the bathroom.


I raked my fingers through my hair with frustration. It's almost lunch time and I felt so hungry but it feels like my work load aren't decreasing at all. My eyes were already sore. I heaved a sigh and decided to take a quick break.

I leaned back my head to the headrest and closed my eyes. After a minute or so, somebody knocked at the door. I thought it was my secretary so I told her to enter.

"What do you want, Vera?" I asked with my eyes still closed. Instead of hearing an answer, I felt someone kissed me on the lips. I immediately opened my eyes and was shocked to see who it was.

"Damn! What are you doing here?!" I asked exasperatedly. She just smiled flirtatiously and sat on the edge of my table, facing me.

"Hunt, you've been avoiding me these past few months. I missed so much" I almost rolled my eyes at her. Is this woman for real?

"Georgina, I already told you long time ago that we don't have anything between us. We never had a relationship and never there will be" I said through gritted teeth.

"Oh, sorry, Hunt, but you know I will never buy that. I want you and I will do anything to have you back into my bed again" I shook my head with disbelief. She never changed and I made a huge mistake when I slept with her. Then, I was carefree. If a woman wanted me in their bed, I would gladly give them what they wanted but all that changed when Angela came into my life.

I couldn't understand myself too that time. When I began to pretend as Angela's husband, I couldn't make myself sleep with other woman. But now, I clearly know why. I love her. Not like the other girls who I slept with in the past. Angela's so different from the likes of Georgina.

Georgina is the daughter of my dad's friend. Her family is into export business. She's always the demanding and selfish type of a person. A total b*cth and she's the classic example of a rich kid who always gets what she wants. But she would never get me. Not Hunter Hatzis!

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