chapter 8

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A/N: Sorry guys for the late update. I was just busy writing BILLIONAIRE'S SWEET REVENGE because it will be finished soon. But don't worry, i will update more frequently when the BSR ends. 


WARNING!!! This chapter contains MATURE scenes for ADULT readers! Read at your own risk!

 "Of course not. You were always cooking for me even before we got married" -Hunter 


"Why the hell did you bring her here Sheena?!" His thunderous voice made me took a step backwards. I was shocked because this was the first time I heard him raised his voice. When he noticed my reaction, his anger mellowed. He even raked his fingers through his hair with frustration. He took big strides towards me and held my hand.

I almost wanted to shake his hand away from me. I didn't know why but I suddenly felt uncomfortable around him. But when I felt is warm hand holding my hand, that familiar delicious feeling whenever he touch me came back to my mind and it made that unpleasant feeling disappear.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you both. Let's go home" What? It's just 1pm and he wants to go home?

He never comes home this early. Normally, he would be finished working at 6 pm. Well, according to him.

"W-Why? I thought your work ends at 6?" I couldn't hold my tongue and voiced out my thought. He heaved a sigh and put his arm over my shoulder.

"No wifey. Today's an exception. We don't have a lot of work today so I can go home early. C'mon, let's go" I just obliged. I looked around one last time and I noticed the people had their eyes on us. They looked curious but some looked jealous? I wasn't sure though. We went to the parking lot and I noticed that his car was parked at the VIP parking. There were a lot of things I wanted to ask him but I just kept quiet. Better to ask him when it's just the two of us.

While we were on our way home, Hunter and Sheena were quiet so I didn't speak a single word too. I didn't know what I did wrong for him to act this way. He's really confusing. I remembered how he looked when he saw me a while ago. He looked shocked, angry and scared. I couldn't comprehend why he would be scared.

When we arrived home, Sheena went to help Ana with her duties. Normally, Sheena's job is to look after me which I don't understand why. I just have an amnesia but I am not invalid.

"What is that?" Hunter asked, referring to the paper bag I was holding.

"It's the food I planned to give you for your lunch" I said and put it on the kitchen island.

"Is that why you went there?"

"Yes. I wanted to surprise you but it looks like you didn't want me to go there" He sighed as he loosened his neck tie. He suddenly looked tired and stressed out.

"I'm sorry if I acted that way. I was just shocked. The doctor said this morning that you must take a rest but you went out. I was mad a while ago because I was worried. What if something happened to you on your way there? I won't ever forgive myself if that happens" He said while looking at me intently. I could tell that he was really worried and I couldn't help but to smile.

"Silly. I'm okay. I am healthy as a bull. I only have an amnesia and I'm not sick" His brows knitted together.

"Did you forget what happened to you this morning? What if it will happen again?" I didn't know why but knowing that he was worried for me made my heart jumped for joy. I couldn't help it anymore, I stepped closer to him and hugged him.

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