chapter 29

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  "You're the father of my baby and I love you. Isn't that enough not to get vex and jealous?" -Angela 


I remained standing there while we're looking into each other's eyes with equal intensity. His eyes held contempt with a hint of confusion at the same time.

"Don't tell me you're here for Angela?"

"I don't have to explain my presence here to you" I said with a stoic face. Although what I did to Angela was not right, I still felt anger towards this guy because he revealed the truth to Angela before I had the chance to do so, to explain my side right away.

I wanted to tell the truth to Angela that day when this guy decided to be a meddler and told her the truth.

"How come you're here in the US, Ben? Don't tell me you're following my woman here" I said sarcastically. He scoffed.

"I don't have the obligation to tell you why but since you asked, I'll tell you. I found a job here"

"Good for you" I said emotionlessly and was about to turn my back on him when he spoke again.

"If you're here to pester Angela again, then I advise you to stop it now. She went through a lot because of you. You hurt her. She deserves to be happy and I can give that to her" My eyes squinted in anger. I wanted to punch his face until he loses consciousness because of what he just said.

"You don't have the right to tell me that. Yes, she went through a lot because of me but I love her and I want to make things right between us. I know she loves me too that's why I'm here for her and our baby. If that bouquet of flower you're holding right now is for my woman, then I advise you not to give her because I won't allow it. I'm her man, she's already taken so hands off. Find somebody else not someone else's" I said with a hard tone.

I saw the rage that registered on his face upon hearing what I've said. He was about to retaliate when my Angel arrived.

"Baby" She called with a sweet voice which made me smile. I quickly approached her and kissed her on the lips. She giggled after the kiss. She was about to say something when she noticed Ben behind me.

"Ben? What are you doing here?" She asked. I noticed her cheeks reddened in embarrassment as she pinched me on my side and then threw me a look like telling me why I didn't tell her that Ben was there.

Ben on the other hand looked like he just saw a ghost right in front of him. He was gaping at us like he couldn't believe what he's seeing.

"Y-You got b-back together?" He asked with a still shocked expression.

"Yes. My baby here already forgave me. I am really lucky to have her" I said proudly and snaked my arm around her waist then pulled her closer to me and kissed her temple. I looked at her because she suddenly became silent. She looked like she wanted to say something to Ben but she just remained silent as she bit her lower lip.

"B-But why? H-He deceived you and you just forgave him just like that?" He asked with an almost inaudible voice. The flower in his hand fell on the floor. My eyebrows creased as I stared at his expression and then to the bouquet which fell on the floor. Don't tell me he was here for....

I looked at Angela again and there was a look of guilt on her face this time as she stared at Ben.

"I-I'm sorry, Ben. I thought so too that I couldn't forgive him of what he did but I was wrong. Living without him felt like I wasn't living at all. I love him" I could see Ben's eyes brimmed with tears and I thought he was going to cry but thankfully he managed to pull himself together.

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