chapter 1

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WARNING!!! This chapter contains a lot of swearing. If you're not comfortable with this, just don't read the translations. (lol)


"What are you talking about? I won't go out with him if I don't love him"- Angela

Angela's POV

"Veux-tu m'épouser, Ange?" I heard Adrien asked me while kneeling on his knee and gazed up at me expectantly.

(Will you marry me, Ange?)  

We've been in a relationship for at almost 6 months now but a wedding was still very far in my head. I didn't know what to say or do as I stared back at him. I looked at the beautiful ring he was holding, offering it to me but I couldn't feel any excitement or happiness about it. Instead, I felt like I wanted to run.

"D-Désolé Adrien but I'm not ready to get married yet. I mean, we've been dating for just 6 months and it's too early for us to think about a wedding yet"

I saw the pain that registered in his eyes and I felt guilty. I love him but I am just not ready for a commitment yet. I just turned 22 years old and I didn't have the opportunity yet to do all the stuff I was planning to do. I wanted to travel around the world and explore. Well, I've already traveled almost half of the countries on earth but it was still not enough for me.

"I thought you loved me?" He asked with a sullen expression. I looked down and bit my bottom lip.

"I do Adrien but this is not just the right time yet. I hope you understand and wait for me" He held my hands with his as he stood up and pulled me into his embrace.

"Okay. If that's what you want. You know that I will always wait for you" He said and I hugged him back.


"Hey Ange, why didn't you accept Adrien's proposal anyway? I think, you don't love him" Ellie, my younger sister teased.

We were in my room and as usual, she came to bother and tease me again. As our youngest sibling, she used to be glued beside me or our big brother Regan who's been living in the USA since he was in College and now managing our family business. When our father died, all the responsibilities became his.

I on the other hand was still enjoying my life doing nothing but going out with my friends, bar hopping and travelling, a lot. My big brother Regan used to tell me to go to the US and help him on managing our businesses now that I finished university. I wasn't interested one bit but I told him I would just start my training when I turn 22 and that happened just 2 weeks ago.

Now, I am obligated to go there and start my training. I didn't want it though if I had other choice but I knew that sooner or later, I would start helping too whether I like it or not. Sitting in an office and doing nothing but paper works would be so boring for me. I am an outdoor person and I really hate staying in one place for long. I get bored quite easy.

"What are you talking about? I won't go out with him if I don't love him" I said matter-of-factly while staring at her. She shrugged her shoulders as she became serious.

"No offense meant Ange but I'm glad you didn't accept" I sat up from my laying position abruptly.

"Why would you say that?" I asked her. She heaved a long sigh and sat beside me.

"Honestly, I don't like him for you. Sorry" she frankly said as her eyes went down to her hands.

It was my turn to sigh. I was a little bit surprised because this was my first time hearing her say something like this to one of my boyfriends. Well, it's not that I had many boyfriends or anything. Adrien's just my 3rd one and the first two didn't even last 3 months.

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