chapter 35

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  "Do you really think I haven't noticed how down you were this past few days? Since the last time we saw your brother, you became quiet and always thinking deeply like you're in your own world. Now tell me, what did he tell you?"- Hunter 


I closed the door with a bang because of anger. I couldn't believe that my father would actually do what he said to me three days ago. After that conversation we had in my penthouse, he didn't contact me for a couple of days and I felt relieved about it. But upon arriving at the office today, my father was already there and reminded me of our talked the other day.

"I already told you my decision, papa. Please don't make me resent you because of this. I told you, I can handle our company. I just need your trust in this"

"I don't need your promises, Hunt. I want an assurance and action at once. I want to make sure that our company won't suffer. Now, is that really your final decision?" He asked without a hint of emotion on his face. I heaved a sigh and looked at him the same way. I couldn't take this anymore.

"Yes, papa. I'm sorry but I'll choose Angela"

"Fine. From now on, you don't have the right to every Hatzis' property including this company and even your penthouse because I am taking all back. From now on, you're not a Hatzis anymore" I gritted my teeth in rage. Even though I knew the consequences of me choosing Angela over my responsibility as one of the Hatzis, I couldn't help but to get hurt. Hearing my own father say that to me hurt me deep in my heart. I couldn't believe that he would really do it.

A bitter smile formed my lips and met his gaze bravely.

"Just remember this, papa. I did my part of being your son and in our company. Even the things that I didn't want, I did it for the sake of our family and business. But this is different. I'm sorry that I can't help you with the problem in the company anymore but remember that I didn't make this choice. You made this choice. I hope you will be happy about this, papa. Goodbye" I said and went out of the board room.

I went to my office and got all my things that really belonged to me. I left the things that I thought belonged to the company.

I made sure that I wouldn't get anything that's belong to them because from now on, I am now an outsider.

When I went out of the building, I looked at it and I must admit, I felt really bad leaving it now that it's currently facing a problem. From the moment I started managing the company until now, I faced a lot of problems and I managed to handle it with pride. I felt so happy because happy because I knew that I made my father happy. I thought he was proud of me and has his full trust in me because he entrusted the company to me, but I was wrong.

This was the first time that something like this has happened to the company since I handled it but I knew for sure that I could manage to solve the problem. For me, it wasn't that big of a problem but my father was making it worst to the point that he even wanted to use me in order to not lose the company.

I couldn't understand him anymore and I knew I couldn't do whatever he wanted me to do. Not now and not ever. My personal life is separate from any business related things. When I get married, I want to do it out of love not because of the sake of our business.

If he told me to do an arrange marriage before I met Angela, then I would've considered it. Well, maybe because I didn't believe in love before. Not until I met Angela.

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