chapter 33

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I hope you like this chapter. As usual, i couldn't control my fingers on tapping the keyboard so this chapter ended up so long! Enjoy!!


Her attention was on Georgina who was currently busy with her speech. I was about to strode my way towards her when I felt someone stopped me by my shoulder.

I looked at who it was and I saw my father who was staring at me with a serious face.

"What the hell was that, papa?! I never agreed to that!" I spat at him but his face remained emotionless.

"This is for your own good" I shook my head with disbelief.

"For my own good or for your own good? Have you gone desperate, papa? I already told you, I can fix this problem but you refused to trust me and now you're doing this?! I can't believe you!" I yelled at him before I decided to go out of the hall.

But when I reached the entrance, I couldn't find her anymore. She left. Damnation!

I ran outside and tried to catch up to her but when I arrived outside, I couldn't find her there either. I asked the guards if they saw her and described her to them and luckily, one of them noticed her a while ago and pointed at the direction where she ran to.

I swiftly ran to the direction they told me and they were right, I saw her crying at the nearby park while sitting on a bench. My heart clenched painfully when I saw her tears. Damn! I keep on making her cry! What's wrong with me?!

I slowly walked towards her and stopped in front of her.

"Baby..." She tilted up her head and I cursed myself again when I saw the pain on her face. She wiped her tears angrily and stood up. She was about to walk passed me when I pulled her by her wrist and quickly enveloped her for a tight hug.

I missed her so much that seeing her right now made me want to take her right there and then but I know it wasn't the right time for me to think about that.

"Let go off me!" She hissed and tried to push me away from her but I didn't let her.

"Don't push me away, Angel baby. I missed you so much. Let me hug you longer" She stopped wiggling out of my arms but her sobs became louder.

"Oh God! Don't cry, baby. You know how much I hate seeing you cry" I felt like I said that way too much already and it pained me too.

"I-Is it true? A-are you going to marry h-her?" My arms loosened a little bit from hugging her as I wiped her tears with my thumb.

"You believed that? Come on, baby. You know how much I love you to do that. If there's someone whom I'm going to marry, that's you" She looked surprised but there was still a hint of doubt in her eyes.

"Don't you believe me?" She bit her lower lip and looked down like she was having a second thought of her answer.

"Y-You know how much I love you, baby, but I heard what I heard a while ago and they were announcing your engagement to that woman" Her voice trembled as she said about the engagement.

"Then trust me"

"How? You aren't even explaining about it but you're expecting me to trust you?" She asked me with a hint of anger. Oh, she looked so beautiful right now and I couldn't stop myself anymore. I cupped her face with my hands and kissed her passionately.

"Hmp!" She tried to evade my kiss but I didn't let her. Damn! It's been more than two weeks since the last time I kissed her but those two weeks felt like a year! Her lips and her body fit so perfectly with mine and her effect on me never cease to amaze me.

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