chapter 10

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WARNING!!! This chapter contains MATURE scenes for ADULT readers only. Read at your own risk!!


  "Let the punishment begin" -Hunter 


Hunter was quiet as we walk towards the house. He was pulling my hand while walking a little bit faster than usual. It was the first time I saw him with this expression and it's kinda new. He was always smiling and affectionate towards me.

There were times that I caught him like he was thinking about something so deeply but when I ask him what was it about, he would just smile and shake his head then divert the subject to different topic. Even though I want to ask him more, I figured out that he wouldn't talk it to me about it.

Aside from that, he never had any problem with our relationship these past 6 months.

I stared at him and I could tell he was mad with his jaw flexed. I just heaved a sigh as I remembered what happened a while ago...

"What's happening here?" Instead of letting me go, Ben just stared at Hunter emotionlessly so I distanced myself from him.

"She just tripped off Sir Hunter and thankfully Ben was there and saved her from falling" Sheena immediately explained reluctantly. She bit her lip as she noticed that angry look on Hunter's face. Even though he was calm, his eyes are telling me otherwise.

"Thank you for catching her" Hunter said with hardened face and approached me.

"Let's go home" I just nodded my head meekly. He encircled his arm around my waist possessively and began walking away from them. I looked back at the three and they were just staring at us quietly.

"Sorry guys. Maybe we can do this again next time" I said apologetically and Sheena nodded her head. Apollo was scratching the back of his head with a funny expression while Ben remained silent.

"So, you enjoyed spending time with them, huh?" Hunter's sarcastic voice brought me out of my thoughts. I could feel his strong arm tightened around me.

"Of course. I was bored at home and I don't see anything wrong of going out and interact with other people" I answered.

"Are you sure that's just it? I could see how you enjoyed being held by that Ben" I stopped on my tracks and stared at him. My mouth hang open. The expression on his face was screaming of jealousy and I couldn't help but to grin from to ear.

"Why are you grinning at me like that? I am telling you, I am mad at you, Angel"

"So, you omitted the 'baby' now? I'm not your Angel baby anymore?" I teased him.

"I am serious. I don't like you near that guy. I could see that something's off in the way he looks at you" My eye brows furrowed.

"Are you for real? He's just being nice. He didn't even do anything wrong"

"So, you're on his side now?" I heaved a sigh and clung my arms around his neck while my eyes met his heated gaze. My hand stroked his nape in a seductive manner.

"Baby, you know it's not like that. Hmmm...I can smell jealousy" I teased him again while grinning widely.

"Me? Jealous of that guy? No way! I am too handsome to be jealous of him" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Wow! I think the air around here suddenly became stronger because of what you said" He laughed out loud and ii couldn't help but to gasp because of how handsome he is when he laughs like this. He takes my breath away.

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