chapter 38

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A/N: All the parts which are in italic are all happened in the past...


I still couldn't believe what happened in the past two weeks of my life. I thought I had to start all over again and start to accept that my father already disowned me but I was wrong. Now, I'm here in front of HGC again. I thought I wouldn't be able to step foot here ever again but life has another plan for me and now, I could say that everything is beginning to fall into place. At least, all my effort didn't go to waste. Now, Angela could finally be able to be with her family again and she's happy about it.

"Good morning, sir" One of my employees greeted me. I nodded my head and greeted her back. I looked at my wristwatch and it was already 10 minutes before 9.

I fixed my suit and when I thought that I looked alright, I went inside the building. People greeted me with a surprise look on their faces. Maybe because they were wondering what I was doing there. After my father relieved me from managing the company, he announced that Aaliyah would be the one to replace me but that didn't happen.

I greeted the employees back with my usual business-like demeanor and then I went inside the elevator.

Upon reaching my office, I just rechecked the files that I was holding before going straight to the boardroom. Today was a very important day for the company and I was hoping that this would finally fix everything.

"You're late on your first day" My father rebuked when I entered the boardroom.

"I'm on time, papa" I answered and then greeted back the every member of the board who came and welcomed me back to the company. Almost everyone were already present except for the people that I wanted to see the most. I sat on my seat.

"I already told you, you're late when you come on the exact time. You should be here at least 10 minutes before the time. A good business man is always early" My father whispered to me. Before, if he said something like this to me, I would've gotten pissed off but it's different now.

Yes. Everything between me and my father was already fixed for good.

"Fine. I'll be here earlier next time" I whispered back before I began discussing the agenda of the meeting. I announced that I would be assuming my position again and everybody looked pleased with it. We started going through the company's performance review since the problem began until now and the problem totally worsened.

If only my little sister Aaliyah showed up, this would never happened. She told me that she would come home from wherever she was but then she couldn't come because of an 'important' matter. She called me exactly two weeks ago...

"What the hell, Aali! I thought we already talked about this and you said yes?! What happened to you now? Why couldn't you come back here?!" I couldn't help but to get pissed off. This was the first time she broke a promise and I felt disappointed. She was the only person I knew who could handle the problem in our company, who is capable and that I could trust. But now, she's telling me that she couldn't come to help.

"I'm sorry, Hunt. I know I said yes the other day but I can't leave right now. This is important too. I hope you understand me" I heaved a sigh and squeezed my eyes shut. My head suddenly throbbed painfully and I guess because of stress caused my too much thinking.

"How can I understand you when I don't even know where you are right now? Tell me honestly, Aali, what are you really doing in that place?" I asked her sternly, willing to make her spill the beans.

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