chapter 25

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I smiled when I saw the very cute set of baby clothes at the baby section of the mall. I couldn't help but to get excited and start to choose clothes for my baby. The doctor already told me the gender just a while ago and it made me happy to know that I'll be having a baby boy.

Hearing the good news would be more exciting and happier if he's with me but I guess it's no use of hoping for him to come and see me. Maybe he's married now and happy with that woman...No! Don't go there! You'll just going to get hurt further! It's already passed the deadline that you both agreed upon but he's still not here so stop hoping!

I took a deep breath and shook the thought off of my head.

When I saw him on the TV four months ago, I told to myself that I would just move on and forget about him but it was easier said than done. Sometimes, I still remember him, especially during the night. Even though I want to erase him permanently on my mind, I couldn't do it.

Hunter's memories are forever be etched in my heart and mind. But I promised myself not to cry because of him again. Even though I's hard, I am trying to be brave for the sake of my baby and now, everything's beginning to get better.

I walked along the row of baby clothes while choosing the baby clothes that caught my attention. When I got satisfied with the articles that I chose, I then walked towards the cashier and pay for the items.

When I finished paying, I decided to go home because it was already almost lunch time. I should eat on time because I'm not the only one in my body now. Before, I used to eat and do what I wanted to but now, my lifestyle became totally different because I think of my baby's health first before doing anything. I think things through first, like, Is it good for my baby or not? Things like that.

When I reached the parking lot, I was about to get in my car when my phone rang.

I quickly took it out from my bag and answered when I saw who was calling.

"Hello, Ben?"

"Hello, Angela. Where are you?"

"I'm at the mall. Why?" I asked as I got in the car and fixed my seatbelt.

"Figures. I'm here at your place but the guard told me that you're not in so I called you" I chuckled.

"Yeah. I went to the doctor a while ago and then decided to go to the mall to buy some stuff"

"Really? So how's the baby?" He asked.

"Hmm....Everything's alright. We're both healthy"

"Okay. I guess I'll be waiting for you here, then?" My eyebrows knitted together.

"You don't have to, Ben. I'll be dropping by to my brother's house so I don't know what time I'll be home. I'm sorry" I said apologetically. I heard him heaved a sigh.

"It's okay, Angela. I'll come back some other time" I bit my lower lip.

"Okay" I answered before I ended the call. I took a deep breath. I didn't have the plan to drop by to my brother's house but knowing that Ben's at my place, I guess I need to go there rather than going home and be with Ben.

I mean, I like being with him but I started feeling awkward around him after that day.

I happened to run into Ben three days after I arrived here in the USA. Starting from that day, he always calls me and comes in my place every now and then. I didn't find it strange at first because I considered him my friend. But everything got awkward when he suddenly admitted to me that he loves me...

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