chapter 5

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"Yes. It's really delicious but your lips are more delectable"- Hunter


While I was descending the stairs, he was staring at me with an unreadable emotion. I should feel uncomfortable about his stares but it felt different. His eyes were like piercing my soul. I gulped inaudibly and tried my best to look unaffected by him. I felt silly feeling like this knowing that he was my husband. When I reached in front of him, I smiled at him hesitantly. He cleared his throat.

"You look radiant" he complimented and my heart swelled. Is this why I agreed to marry him? Because he makes me feel these strange feelings just by staring at me?

"Where are we going?" I asked him. He smiled. My breath was caught in my lungs when I saw his smile. I know that he's really handsome but whenever he smiles like that, he looked better than ever.

"Let's tour the whole property" My eye brows furrowed.

"Tour?" I questioned and he chuckled.

"Yes. Let's go" he said and pulled by my waist. His muscled and strong arms felt so wonderful around my waist. He even pulled me closer to him that I couldn't help but to put my hand on his waist too. I was just wearing flat sandals and he was towering over me. He was so tall. Even though I wasn't that short myself.


I was surprised that the property was huge. When we arrived here yesterday, I didn't have the chance to see the whole surroundings because the sea, the white sand and the beautiful garden caught my attention. But when we went to the back part of the house, there was a pathway which leads to the forest.

"Wow! I didn't notice this yesterday!" I exclaimed with excitement when we entered the forest. He laughed like he was entertained with my reaction. I cleared my throat and looked down shyly. I didn't know why but I suddenly felt embarrass of the way he stared at me. He put a finger under my chin and raised my head. Our eyes met and I almost gasped of how handsome he was.

"Don't look down. How can you see the beautiful surroundings if you do that" His thumb began caressing my chin in a teasing manner. His eyes went down to my lips and then back to my eyes again. I felt like the world suddenly stopped as we stared into each other. He was like consuming the right reasoning in me and made me just go along with every move he made.

"I have a surprise for you. I'm sure you'll love this" He pulled my hand and intertwined our fingers. While we were walking, I kept on glancing around the place. There were a lot of trees around but the wild flowers which were scattered around the area caught my attention. They looked beautiful and colorful.

After 5 minutes or so, we stopped and I was amazed at what I saw. I didn't expect that the end of the pathway you could find a very beautiful waterfall. The water looked crystal clear. The waterfall was roughly around 20 feet tall. There were more of wild flowers here than what I saw a while ago on our way here. I could totally see the chirping birds playing around on the trees and it made me feel like we were at a paradise. Yes, it really is a paradise.

The place was so quiet and the only sound that you could hear were the sound of the chirping birds and the sound of the waterfall. It was a perfect place to relax and forget everything from the outside world.

"Do you like it?" he asked as he proudly raised his hands up in the air.

"Yes. This place is so stunning" I said while nodding my head in awe as I looked around us. I stared at the very clean looking water. I suddenly had the urge to take off my clothes and dive in but I didn't have a swimsuit with me.

A Billionaire's Charade (A Fake Paradise)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now