chapter 31

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I heaved a deep sigh again as I drive my car towards my destination. I've already thought about this for a couple of times already but I still couldn't help but to feel uneasy about going there. No, Hunt. You must do this! If you really want to live in peace with Angela, then you must fix all the consequences of your past actions!

Upon arriving at Bayleaf Corporation, I parked my car and then proceeded to the information desk. I told the lady there that I wanted to talk to their boss but unfortunately, he was currently talking to someone in his office.

"Mr. N's secretary said that you can talk to him after the person he's talking with right now. But you will only have 10 minutes"

"Okay, I understand" I answered in relief. I thought she wouldn't let me in but I guess Regan's schedule wasn't that full for today. Lucky me...

I then agreed and proceeded to the elevator to go up. When I arrived at the floor where Regan's office was located, the secretary ushered me to the visitor's lounge.

I was busy reading a book which I found under the coffee table, when my phone rang. It was Angela. I quickly answered it.

"Hello, baby. How's your sleep?"

"Where are you? My morning isn't that good because you weren't here when I woke up" I could almost see her pursing her lips now. She sounded irritated and I couldn't help but to chuckle. I didn't tell her my plan for today because I knew she would stop me from doing so.

I knew very well that she doesn't want me to go and talk to her brother about our real situation yet but I couldn't help it. I wanted everything to be fix before Angela gives birth to our baby.

"I'm sorry, baby. I didn't want to disturb your sleep. I prepared a breakfast for you at the dining table. Don't worry, I'll come home as fast as I could. I just need to fix something"

"What is that thing you need to do?"

"I'll tell you when I arrive home, okay?" I heard her heaved a sigh before she agreed.

"Okay, baby. Anyway, thank you for the breakfast you cooked for me. Come home sooner, okay?" I smiled as her voice sounded sweeter than before. The hint of irritation in her tone faded.

"Sure, Angel baby. I love you"

"Love you too" She answered before she cut the call. I looked at my wristwatch and it's been 10 minutes already. I continued reading the book I was holding when I heard footsteps coming closer to me.

"Ahm...I must apologize, sir. Mr. N wasn't in his office anymore. I thought his meeting with his visitor wasn't finished yet but when I tried to check on him just now, there was no one in his office anymore. I'm really sorry, sir" The secretary said apologetically.

"What? How come you didn't see him going out?" I asked exasperatedly. I really thought that I could finally talk to Regan now but it looked like he went out without me even noticing him.

"I went to the pantry a while ago, maybe, that's when he went out. I'm really sorry, sir. If you want, I can arrange you a meeting with him for another day" I shook my head and stood up from the couch.

"Nah, it's okay. I'll go on ahead then" I said. I couldn't help feeling disappointed because I already readied myself for whatever the outcome of our supposedly talk but he must have an emergency meeting that he couldn't delay.

I just shrugged my shoulders and went inside the elevator to go down. When I arrived at the parking area, I got inside my car but didn't start the engine yet. I suddenly had a feeling that whatever Regan was up to for leaving just like was really important. I sudednly felt anxious for an unknown reason.

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