chapter 21

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I heard the door opened but I didn't even throw a glance at it. I just remained motionless on the bed while staring at Angela and I's picture in my hand. It's been more than a week since she left me and it still hurt like hell and I felt like I can't survive any further. As corny as may sound but I don't care. Her absence is slowly killing me.

"You look pathetic, Hunt. What's happening to you?" I turned my head and saw my younger sister, Aaliyah. She's staring at me like I was the most pathetic person.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her coldly and stared back at the picture in my hand. She heaved a sigh and sat on the edge of the bed with furrowed eye brows.

"Dad is so mad, you know? You haven't been going to work so he asked me to handle the company for now" She said with a hint of sarcasm. I know her so much to know that she hates sitting in an office and working.

Our father made her take up business management just like me in order for her to help managing our businesses. She followed what our father said because she really didn't have any idea of what course she wanted to take up. She was in her 3rd year in college when she realized that she wanted to become a chemist.

I didn't know why she suddenly wanted to change her course but when she told it to our father, he didn't let her. So she graduated in her business course then took up Analytical Chemistry. She's in her 3rd year now.

Our father was so mad when she continued pursuing Analytical Chemistry instead of helping in the business but she stood her ground with her decision.

I could see why she was the one who our father sent to be the OIC. She's brilliant. A genius. I don't know where she got her intelligence. But because of her high IQ, she doesn't have many friends because people can't keep up with her.

"I don't care. Do what you want, just leave me alone" She clicked her tongue while staring at me with pity in her eyes.

"I don't understand why she left you. The last time we talked, you were so happy and bragging me about Angela. You told me that you were going to introduce her to us soon. What happened?" She asked with a concern. She just shows this soft side of her in front of me and our mother.

I heaved a sigh and put the picture on the bedside table and then burrowed my face on Angela's pillow. I could still smell her faint scent that slowly disappearing as the days go by.

My heart clenched painfully just thinking of her. I wish I could take back what I did and just wooed her the right way. I wish I just told her about it earlier instead of continuing to deceive her. Because of my stupidity, she even discovered the truth from other people instead of me confessing it to her. I understand why she didn't hear any of my explanations because I've hurt her too much.

There are too many 'I wish' on my mind that I should've done to make the things I did right.

She doesn't deserve all the pain that I've caused her. I wish I could take back the time.

But I never regret the special things that we shared with each other like loving each other and all the happy days we spent together.

"Hunt, are you listening to me?" I groaned in irritation. I have a hangover and listening to my sister nagging me is the last thing I want right now.

"Aali, please, can you just leave me alone for now?"

"No! Mom is so worried about you, you know? You never acted this way before and we're worried about you! Why don't you just come home instead of staying here?" She sounded irritated now. I wanted to laugh because her real personality is coming out. The impatient and cold sister of mine. Well, she's like that to other people most of the time.

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