chapter 37

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Hi guys! I received quite a lot of comments and messages telling me that you couldn't see CH 36 even though you followed the instructions. Well, I added another steps (it's in the 'A/N Ch 36') but if you still can't see CH 36 even after doing those, then you need to contact wattpad for assistance. 

Anyway, sorry for the late update. I'll update my other stories tonight or this weekend. Happy reading :p


After I parked my car, I didn't let myself become hesitant and just went directly to the lobby of the building. If the information I heard was true, Regan Novell arrived in Greece yesterday and he's staying at this fancy hotel. I must do anything in order for us to talk. Again.

I couldn't stay quiet and just watch Angela being sad like that. I knew she's been down since the day she last talked to her brother but it was very obvious that she's trying to look fine in my sight. Seeing her like that made me arrive in this decision to come and talk to her brother all over again.

"Good morning, Miss. I just want to talk to Mr. Regan Novell. I know he's staying in this hotel since yesterday"

"Do you have an appointment with him sir? Are you his acquaintance perhaps?"

"No, I don't have an appointment with him but we know each other. Please tell him that Hunter Hatzis is here. I just want to discuss something important with him" She dialed on the phone and talked to someone, informing my presence.

"Mr. Novell is giving you 10 minutes to talk to him, Mr. Hatzis because he has an important meeting after that" I smiled. I thought he was going to reject seeing me.

She told me the room number. I proceeded to his room after I thank the lady for her assistant. When I reached the door, I gingerly knocked on the door.

The door opened and a beautiful woman opened the door. She has a curious look on her face.

"Hi, I'm here to talk to Mr. Novell" I said.

"Are you maybe Angela's boyfriend?" I was surprised of her question but I nodded my head. She smiled and opened the door wider and invited me in.

"I'm Carina, Regan's wife. I'll just call him, okay? He's in the room with our daughter"

"Thank you and it's nice to meet you" I said and shook hands with her. Just as I was about to let go of her hand, we heard someone cleared their throat.

"Oh, thankfully, you're finally here, honey. You're visitor is here" Carina said and approached her husband who has a dark expression on his face.

"Scarlet is waiting for you inside. She's having tantrums again" He said.

"Okay. I'll leave you two here. Anyway, don't give him a hard time okay, honey?"

"Let's see about that" Regan answered and was about to sit on the couch when his wife spoke again.

"Honey..." She was giving him a strange look. Regan heaved a sigh.

"Fine" Carina smiled sweetly before she pecked a kiss on his cheek then left us alone. I couldn't help but to snicker of what I saw. He was always a serious and intimidating man in front of other people but who would have thought that his wife could make him soft like this.

"What do you want, Mr. Hatzis?" I heard him asked in a formal way. I cleared my throat and met his eyes.

"I'm here to talk to you about Angela" His eyebrows creased.

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