chapter 7

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"What is the position of Hunter here?"-Angela


I wanted to think that we made love last night but he has his clothes on. I checked myself and thought harder about everything that happened. What if something happened between us last night? Well, isn't it just normal? We're married after all.

Honestly, I don't know what to think and how to react about it. He's my husband, yes but I don't remember anything about him. Now, I was more confused than ever. My head throbbed and the rush of pain became unbearable.

"Aahh!" I almost shouted while my hands cupped my head. I didn't know what to do to relieve the pain. Hunter woke up because of my loud voice. He looked disoriented and confused at first but when he saw me cupping my head and i was in pain, he immediately sat up.

"What happened?" He asked worriedly. I closed my eyes and I felt tears ran down my cheeks.

"My head hurts.." I said with a trembling voice. I felt like someone's hammering my head. I felt him got off the bed quickly and then I heard him talking with someone on the phone. After the call, he approached me.

"Shh...Just lie down while we're waiting for the doctor" He instructed tenderly and helped me lay down the bed. He sat next to me and stroked my head gently like he was trying to ease the pain I was feeling. I felt him kissed my forehead. He's such a sweet guy and even though I was suffering from severe headache, the feeling of joy rose in my chest because of his sweet gesture.

When the doctor arrived, I was surprised when i recognized him. He was my doctor at the hospital. He proceeded with the checkup.

"What is the cause of the sudden headache I felt a while ago doctor?" I asked him faintly. He gave me a pain reliever a while ago and I think it's finally working.

"You need to avoid getting stressed out or anything that can trigger a simple headache like thinking too much and sleeping late. Tell me, are you forcing yourself to remember?" I bit my lower lip and nodded my head slowly.

"I know you want to regain your memories as soon as possible but it's not good for you if you force yourself. Just be patient" I couldn't do anything other than nod my head. He was right. I noticed before that whenever I tried to remember something, my head starts hurting; even when I felt depressed because I couldn't recall anything. Then I would totally force myself to remember. He gave me additional medicines and then left. He also advised me to take a rest until i feel better.

"Why didn't you tell me that you've been feeling like this?" Hunter asked when the doctor left. He looked pissed and at the same time I could see the worry in his eyes. I wanted to sit up and talk to him more but I could feel the strong urge to sleep. It must be the other pill that the doctor gave me before he left.

"I...I just don't want to make you....worry" I managed to answer before darkness engulfed me.



I sat beside her while staring at her intently. I didn't want to admit it but I was so scared and worried when I saw her like that a while ago. I was panicking. Even when there's an emergency, I always manage to stay calm and think of solutions. But when I saw her almost screaming in pain, I lost my calm that I didn't know what to do. Thankfully I managed to regain my sanity and immediately called the doctor.

Before I could stop myself, my hand went to her cheek and gently touched it. She's really beautiful. Her soft cheek felt so nice against my hand. My eyes went down to her luscious pinkish lips. The events last night replayed in my head and I nearly lost my control. I suddenly felt the strong urge to crushed her lips against mine and do the things that I did to her last night. Sh*t Hunter! Stop it!

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