chapter 24

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"Next time, know the facts, not the b*llshits that your sister told you"- Angela

"I have something to do so I want you to just go straight to the point and tell me everything. Then after that, leave" Pain crossed his eyes and just like a while ago, my heart felt his pain too. C'mon heart! Don't be like this! Why am I feeling this way? I hate him, right? Then why am I hurting knowing that he's feeling hurt?! Why is it so hard to just hate him and stop loving him at the same time?!

"Okay...Like I told you before, I did it all because of my stupid plan of revenge. I hated your brother because of what he did to my sister. I witnessed how my sister have suffered and couldn't move on of what your brother did to her. I was so mad because he discarded her just like that, like a trash who doesn't have a value and sent a divorce paper right after she had a miscarriage. Then he met a woman and totally forgot about my sister. Your brother destroyed Tiffany" My mouth fell open because of his confession. Anger rose within me. He doesn't know anything of what really happened!

I shook my head with disbelief and was about to yell at him when he continued.

"But believe me, I never planned everything that happened. I didn't mean to do all that to you. I accidentally saw you when you had an accident because we passed through that road. At first, I didn't have an idea who were the passengers of the taxi and the SUV but when I opened the taxi, I was surprised to see you inside with blood on your head. Luckily, my friends were just behind me with their own cars so we all brought you to the hospital, including the people in the SUV and the taxi driver. I was the one who brought you to the hospital.

"I just wanted to help you right at that moment but when you woke up from coma and that you couldn't remember anything about you, I suddenly had that crazy idea and told you that I was your husband. Maybe I said that out of anger towards your brother that I didn't realize that you didn't do anything and it's not your fault. But to my surprise, as the days went by that I was with you, I fell in love with you, so much, that I couldn't even believe it at first. You don't know how many times I wanted to tell you everything but I was so afraid of losing you. I fell in love with you without even realizing when it started. You brought color to my life and losing you was the last thing I wanted, so---"

"So you chose to continue deceiving me?! One year, Hunter! You had a year to tell me everything but you never did! Now, you're telling me that you loved me?! How?! You loved me that's why you hurt me?!" I yelled at him furiously. I couldn't take it anymore, I cried. My chest is so painful that I need to let it out or else, It will explode. Why do I have to be hurt like this? Was I a bad person and this is my karma?

He stood up from the couch and knelt before me. He cupped my face and wiped my tears with both of his thumbs.

"Shhh...Baby, please stop crying. I know what I did to you was unforgivable but please, don't ever doubt my love for you because that's the most sincere thing that I gave you. I know you felt it how much i love you when we were together" He was about to hug me when I stood up to evade him.

"You're an a*shole, you know that?! You hurt me because of what happened to Regan and Tiffany. But guess what? I realized that you don't know anything about what really happened. If there is someone who should be mad here, that is Regan and our family" I said through gritted teeth. He stood up and faced me with a confused look.

"What do you mean?" I chuckled sarcastically.

"Next time, know the facts, not the b*llshits that your sister told you" He shook his head and I could tell that he was beyond lost. His jaw flexed and I could see it on his face that he was beginning to get upset too.

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