chapter 3

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  "Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do"- Pele


"From now on, I forbid you to go out at night without a guard with you. Understood?" Regan's angry voice was like a thunder in my ear which made me feel nervous a little. He was so mad when I told him about what happened earlier.

"Reg, you're overreacting. Nothing bad happened to me and I don't need a bodyguard" I whined and stomped my foot with irritation. He scowled at me and went to the couch and sat there.

"Angela, this is not France! We should be careful all the time! If you don't want to have a bodyguard then I won't allow you to go out at night anymore" he said. I sat beside him with a thud and put my feet atop the table.

"But Regan, that's unfair! I'm not a child anymore" I complained and as a crossed my arms on my chest.

"My decision is final Angelique. I don't want to make mom worry" I heaved a sigh. Yes, the last thing I want is to make our mother worry about me.

"Fine" I conceded.



"So, she is Angelique Novell, his younger sister" I mumbled as I stared at the monitor of my laptop.

 I deliberately browse the internet and searched who 'Angel' was in Regan's life and I didn't expect that she was his sister. Now that I think about it, the resemblance was evident.

During Tiffany and Regan's wedding, it was just his mother, Sophie Novell who came alone that's why I hadn't met his sisters. Not to mention that Regan and Tiffany lived here while I on the other hand was living in Greece and this is my first time coming here in the US after 2 years for an important business matter my father forced me to attend to.

I never really had the interest to know more about Regan's family before because I hated him but looked like destiny was on my side this time.

There were just few pictures of his family on the internet but they looked so happy together. His sister Angelique was the girl version of Regan when it comes to being wild and adventurous. Well that was before. I heard Regan stopped being one when he fell in love but this girl left him.

I also read about her love on attending parties with the higher class spoiled brats like her and even clubbing.

Just looking at how she could do what she wanted, being happy as she could, I couldn't help but to grit my teeth and clench my fists in anger. My sister almost ruined herself when Regan left her just because she had a miscarriage. I shook my head and turned off my laptop.



I stared at my brother and he looked like he was in his own world staring into space. I even knocked on the door before I came inside his office but he didn't even hear me. It's been 3 months since I started my training and he was personally supervising me. I strode towards him with my heels making a sound with every step I made but that didn't even catch his attention.

"ça'va Regan?" I asked him and waved my hand in front of his face. He snapped back into reality and stared at me quizzically.

(Are you okay Regan?)

"Yes, I'm fine. How long have you been standing there?" I smirked at him and looked at the photo in his hand.

"Let me guess, you're thinking about Carina again?" I teased him but instead of smiling, his expression became depressed. I sighed and sat on the couch at the right side of his office.

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