chapter 13

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Hi guys! How's this story so far? 

i decided to update now because starting tomorrow, it will be a busy week for us here in Cannes but i'll try my best to find time to update sooner :)


  "Y-Yes. I love you but you never told me anything about how you feel towards me. I've been worried about it you know. I know we're already married but you never mentioned about your feelings towards me that's why I didn't say mine too. I was afraid of your reaction and I don't know if i was a vocal person before about my feelings" -Angela 


I just remained standing there for a couple of seconds, wondering if what he was doing here when he should be at work. When he saw me, he went out of the car. He wasn't wearing his business suit anymore. He's wearing a rugged pants and dark blue t-shirt that failed to hide his muscular body.

He approached me and gave me a kiss.

"How's your first day?" He asked. My eye brows furrowed at him.

"What are you doing here? What about your work?" I asked him instead of answering his question. He held my hand and intertwined our fingers.

"Don't worry. I asked my boss if I could absent this afternoon and he said yes. C'mon. I have a surprise for you" I looked at him quizzically but he just grinned at me boyishly and pulled me towards the car.

"Where are we going? What surprise are you talking about?" I questioned as he helped me put my seatbelt but instead of answering me, his eyes fixated on my lips while putting my seatbelt.

"God, I want to ravish you right now" My eyes widened as he stared at me full of desire. My body instantly felt hot and needy.

"We're outside, baby. Stop staring at me like that" I rebuked him as I felt my cheeks reddened with embarrassment. He chuckled and kissed my cheek. Then he put on his own seatbelt and started the engine with his eyes dancing playfully.

"So, care telling me where are you taking me?"

"Secret. You'll love this for sure" He said and began maneuvering the car away from there. I rolled my eyes and didn't ask any more questions because I was sure he would never tell me where. But truth to be told, I felt excited of his surprise for me. I couldn't help but to smile.

"What are you smiling for, Angel baby?" He inquired without throwing me a glance.

"hmmm....Secret" I teased and he laughed heartily.

"Now you're copying me, huh?" I beamed at him and crossed my hands across over my chest.

"Of course. You're not just the one who has a secret. I have mine too" His laughed instantly died down of what I've said.

"What happened? Is there something wrong of what I've said?" I asked him worriedly. He gulped inaudibly and forced a smile.

"No, baby. Everything's fine" I felt relief. I thought he didn't like what I've said.

After a couple minutes more, I was surprised when Hunter stopped the car in front of our house. I was about to ask him a question when he put a finger on my lips to silence me up.

"Can I put a blindfold on you, baby?"

"What? Why put a blindfold on me?" I asked full of curiosity.

"It's a surprise, remember? C'mon, baby. Trust me on this" I pouted and just nodded as an agreement.

"Good girl" He said and kissed my forehead. When he finished putting a blindfold on me, we started walking to I don't know where. He was guiding me carefully. After 8 minutes or so, we stopped. I could hear the familiar sound of the waterfalls and the birds chirping around.

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