chapter 30

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This chapter made my eyes sore writing it because it's long! (-_-) I hope you like it :)

Sorry for updating this story late. I've been so busy lately that i didn't have time to write so i made it longer than usual.



I didn't know why but while I was walking towards the door to open it, I suddenly felt edgy, like something's about to happen. I heaved a sigh and shook the thought off my head.

I unlocked the double lock and twisted open the door knob when my eyes widened because of the visitor in front of me. I was shock, yes, but I quickly managed to pull myself together. He looked surprised too when he recognized me and I saw his jaw flexed. He looked angry.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He asked with a dangerous tone. Even though I felt intimidated, I didn't let him noticed it.

I have done an unforgivable mistake and I suddenly felt afraid of what he might do if he found out what I did to Angela. I thought I already prepared myself for the worst but now that he's in front of me, I suddenly didn't know how to start.

I wanted to talk to him since Angela left me but now that he's in front of me, I suddenly lose the courage to do so. Maybe if I haven't found out the truth of what really happened to his marriage with Tiffany then I would still have the guts to face him with head held high.

Now, the situation is different but still, I was thankful to have found out the truth or else, I would've made a fool of myself in front of him.

I wanted to laugh sarcastically to myself. Before, I was so furious at this guy. I blamed him for what happened to Tiffany's life after he left him.

But now that everything's clear to me, I didn't know what to feel and how to react. Damn! Think, Hunter!

"I am asking you, Mr. Hatzis. What is the meaning of this? What are you doing here?" I gulped inaudibly and tried to meet his gaze.

"I...I am currently staying here with Angela" His eyebrows knitted together and his jaw flexed. He looked like he didn't like of what he just heard and the anger I saw in his eyes seemed like it doubled upon hearing what I've just said.

"What did you do to my sister? Where is my sister?"

"I didn't do anything bad to her" He took a step forward and I was sure he was about to hit me or something when he suddenly stopped. His eyes looked passed me. I followed his gaze and looked behind me. It was Angela. She looked stunned seeing her brother.

Damn! This is not the time to be a coward, Hunter! Man up!

"I was worried because you haven't answering my calls. Can I come in?" Regan suddenly asked with an emotionless face as he stared at Angela. Angela nodded her head while looking down, chewing on her bottom lip.


I looked at Regan and Angela alternately. We were at the living room and the silence was deafening. Nobody dared to talk yet. I could feel the intense anger radiating from Regan's body as he stared at me. His jaw was tight. He looked like he was about to attack me any moment now.

I took a deep breath to calm my senses before I opened my mouth to start the conversation but Regan spoke first before I had the chance to do so.

"What is the meaning of this, Angelique? What is this man doing here?" Angela swallowed hard. I knew she's nervous so I held her hand with mine to send her my support. I could feel how cold her palm was.

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