chapter 19

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A/N: To all my tagalog spoken readers, i started a tagalog story called TAKING WHAT'S RIGHTFULLY HIS. Please check it out :) Thanks!



I leaned my head against the headrest as I closed my eyes when I felt the plane started moving. I couldn't believe that I would be going back to the USA after a year. The last time I was with my brother, Regan, I asked for two weeks of vacation and came here in Greece but I didn't expect to remain in this country for that long without even realizing it.

My heart tightened as I remembered what happened again. Life really sucks sometimes. Before I regained my memories, I was just a happy ordinary woman together with the man I loved. I loved him and he loved me back. I thought I was the happiest woman alive even I wouldn't get my memories back, that's what I thought.

I thought he really loved me, but he just played with me. He made me believe that he really loved and cared for me truly but It was all nothing but a big lie.

I felt tears threatened to fall down from my eyes but I tried my best to blink them back. Stop it, Angelique! You shouldn't stay like this! Think of your baby!

These past few days, I tried to cry it all before I go back to the USA. Good thing that I still knew the address of my friend, Juno. She's one of my closest friend in university. She studied in France like me but she went back to Greece after graduation.

She invited me before in their house during our summer vacation in 3rd year college.

I could still recall her reaction when she saw me 3 days ago....

I looked at the tall gates in front of me and took a deep breath. I pressed the buzzer and looked at the camera in front of me, praying that Juno would be home.

"Yes? Who are you?" An unfamiliar voice said.

"I-I'm Angelique Novell. I'm a friend of Juno. Is she home?" The line became silent for a couple of seconds before I heard my friend's excited voice.

"Angelique? Is that you?" I almost rolled my eyes. I know she's currently staring at me right now through the camera but she still asked me that obvious question.

"The one and only"

"Okay. Wait for the gates to open. I'll wait for you here" I thanked her and then entered when the gates opened. Their house is a little bit far from the gates and I still need to walk at least 5 minutes or so to get there. When I arrived in front of the mansion, I instantly saw Juno at the doorway, waiting for me.

She gave me a hug but when she pulled away from me, her smile faded when she notice my puffy reddish eyes. I knew, I looked miserable. When she asked me what's wrong, my tears fell like waterfalls and I cried on her shoulder like a kid.

"Now that you've already calmed down, may I asked you what's wrong?" Juno asked me while we're in her room. She looked so worried. I bit my bottom lip and heaved a sigh before I answered.

"I-I met a guy but he deceived and made a fool out of me. Sorry for coming here. I just didn't know where else to go"

"Nonsense! You're my friend and you know that you're always welcome here. I won't ask you what happened because you looked like you're not ready to tell me the details about it now but you know that I'll always be here for you. You can stay here as long as you want" I smiled at her.

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