chapter 12

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Hello guys! I had time so i updated earlier than usual! Enjoy! 


  "Of course, baby. You make delicious food and I am so lucky to have you by my side" -Hunter 


He didn't answer and just stared at me. He looked like he wasn't with me all of a sudden.

"Are you listening to me?"

"Ah..Sorry. Yes, you loved cats before" He said unsurely. I gave him a weird look.

"Are you okay?" I asked and even raised my hand and felt up his forehead which made him chuckle with amusement.

"I'm fine, baby. I'm guess I'm just tired" Held my hands and kissed them lovingly.

"You sure?"

"Yes, baby. C'mon, let's eat. You told me on the phone that you cooked dinner for us. I am excited to taste it" He put his arm over my shoulders and guided me to the dining room. I just went along with him while beaming happily.

"Aren't you going to freshen up first?" I asked as I gazed at his outfit.

"Nah. I'm more excited to eat. I'm starving now and I'm sure that this tastes good"

"Really? You find my cooking delicious?" I asked expectantly.

"Of course, baby. You make delicious food and I am so lucky to have you by my side"

"Hmmm...Just because of that?" I pouted. She gave me a gentle kiss.

"Of course not. I am lucky that I have you in my life because you're the most amazing woman I've ever met. You're beautiful, you can cook and most of all, you make me happy" I could see the sincerity in his eyes.

"Thank you" I said appreciatively and tip toed and kissed him. He grinned and deepened the kiss. Shortly after that, we began eating and as expected, he complimented my cooking which made my heart swelled with happiness.



I stared at Angela who's currently sleeping soundly beside me. She looks so innocent and beautiful that I couldn't help but to raise my hand and touched her soft cheeks in a feathery manner so that I wouldn't wake her up.

Whether I like it or not, this beautiful woman beside me already has already captured my heart and everyday with her is like heaven to me. These past few months, a new Hunter grew up in me to the point that I can't even recognized myself anymore and it's all because of her. Because of Angelique Novell. The sister of the man I hate. The man I swore to take my revenge on. But I didn't expect what happened. I fell for his sister and I fell hard.

Yes. I fell in love for her and now, I am doomed. Every single day is like a new adventure with her and I've been happy and contented just by being with her. The truth always scares me. The truth that every happy moment with her is just a big lie. I've been scared since I realized that I loved her that one day, her memories would come back. I am not yet ready for her to leave me.

I am not ready for her resentment and anger that she would surely feel towards me when that time comes.

I chuckled bitterly. I just wanted to take revenge because of what happened to my sister but now my plans are slowly backfiring at me. I fell in love.

Before I met her, love for me was like a big joke. I grew up with parents who always fighting with each other every chance they get. My father has his many shares of women and my mother was always crying. Maybe because they didn't really loved each other. They were forced by their parents to marry each other.

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