chapter 23

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  "Please, baby. Let's talk. Promise, I won't do anything for you to get mad, just listen to me. Let me explain my side. Please don't push me away this time" -Hunter 


Seeing Hunter after more than two weeks made me almost lose my breath. The overwhelming feeling to run to him and feel his tight embrace again was almost impossible to resist. It took me all my will power to stop myself and remained on my spot.

I stared at him. He looked miserable. It was obvious that he hadn't shave his beard since I left him, his hair was messy, and I could see the noticeable dark circles around his eyes. What do you know? At least I'm not the only one who can't sleep at night.

I clenched my fists in order to toughen myself up and not to give in. Maybe it's a good thing that Hunter is here for him to answer all the questions that's been bugging me since I regained my memories.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him coldly. Pain passed through his eyes as he heard me ask that. He remained standing there but his eyes never left mine. He was about to answer me when Mila informed me that another visitor arrived.

My eyebrows scrunched because I wasn't expecting someone. Then I saw Adrien entered with a bouquet of flowers in his hands. I groaned inwardly.

I looks like he's really going to do what he told me the other day; that he's going to court me again.

The other day when I was at the shopping center, I ran into him there. He asked me for a lunch with him and I declined flatly. But then he almost begged me that I couldn't say no.

"I'm sorry for all the pain that I've caused you. I was really an a*shole back then. When you broke up with me, I realized that I was a big fool because I cheated on you. I thought you didn't love me at all because you wouldn't even give me what I wanted but I was wrong of thinking like that. I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me" Adrien said when we're at the restaurant and eating.

I stared at him. I didn't expect him to say those things to me. A smile broke across my face.

"It's okay, Adrien. It's been more than a year and I already forgot about it. I already forgave you" I was surprised when he took my hand and held it.

"I followed you in the USA but your brother didn't allow me to see you. He warned me that he would do something that I wouldn't like if I get near you again. But I didn't listen to him. I still tried to find you because I realized that I still loved you but you suddenly disappeared. I still love you until now, Ange" I pulled my hand from him and stared into his eyes. I could see the sincerity in his eyes.

I tried to analyze myself and realized that I couldn't feel anything at all about his confession. My heart didn't even skip a beat like it does when I was with Hunter. Well, Hunter was the only one who could make my heart go haywire just by being near him.

Now that I think about it, I never loved Adrien. Ellie was right. I don't even know why I agreed to be his girlfriend back then.

Now that my memories are back, I realized the difference between what I felt for Adrien and Hunter.

"Adrien, I think we should move on from the past. I already did, so please do the same" Pain registered on his face.

"I'm sorry, Ange but I can't just move on without trying to win you back. I am willing to wait. I'll court you again if that's the only thing that can make you love me again" I shook my head.

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