chapter 39

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"I think this is the first time that you hugged me after a long time, Hunt" My father's voice made me snapped out of my thoughts. I couldn't help but to chuckle of what he said. He's right. I could still remember the last time that I hugged him and it was the last time my parents celebrated their last anniversary before they got divorced.

Since they got divorced, I felt like my relationship with him became distant. Even my sisters, they blamed him for making our mother cry all the time. Yes, I admit, I harbored resentment towards him because of what happened to their marriage. I always see my mother cry even though she tried her hardest not to show it to us. I blamed him about all that but when I grew up, I realized that it couldn't be helped. They didn't love each other since the very beginning because they were forced to marry each other by their parents. It was all like a business deal.

Even though we treated him coldly sometimes, he never allowed us to distance ourselves from him. I knew he's the kind of man who prefers to show his love by doing something behind our back contrast to whatever he was saying in front of us.

But because of what's been happening lately, I forgot that my father was the kind of man who does everything in order to get what he wants but he never did once do anything where people could be hurt. Yes, he's cold and doesn't show emotion most of the time but I knew deep in my heart that he's a good man. Just like what he did to Tiffany.

I learned that he didn't help her when she got into jail because he already sent his PI in order to investigate what really happened and he learned that Tiffany was the one at fault. He disowned her in the fit of rage but when I visited Tiffany the other day, she informed me that our father was visiting her and already forgave her.

She's now regretting everything that she did in the past and willing to pay for all her since in jail. I was happy to learn too that her boyfriend, Richard, was willing to wait for her until she goes out of jail because he loves her. I didn't know that after all what Tiffany have done to him, Richard remained by her side.

Now, even though what happened to our family was kinda unfortunate, there's always a reason for us to smile and be happy.

"Thank you, papa" I said with all the gratitude. I felt him tapped my back.

"You have nothing to thank to me about. I did all that because I love you and your sisters so much. You are my life and I would do anything for the three of you. I should be the one who should apologize to the three of you because I let you distanced yourselves from me. I didn't show enough support and affection towards you. I just catered all the bitterness that I was feeling back then that I forgot about you all. I hope you forgive me for all my shortcomings" I could see how much he regrets everything and that's enough for me to forgive him.

"Everything's cool, papa. It's all in the past now. I already forgave you" His eyes watered as he turned emotional but happy at the same time. At last, after how many years, I felt like the missing part in my heart finally returned and it became whole again.


I couldn't help but to smirk when I saw the shock expression on their faces when they saw me in front of them. I should've known that they were plotting something behind my back this whole time and who would've have thought that even the so called friend of Angela would help in order to bring me down.

"Surprise?" I sarcastically asked them. They just came out of Da Silva Incorporated building and this company was the number one competitor of our company from long time ago because we're both into technology industry. Both of our companies were producing different gadgets such as cellphones, laptops and other gadgets that could be found in the market nowadays.

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