chapter 34

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A/N: Who's till reading this story and willing to read until the end? Please let me know because i am planning something on this story. Thanks :p


I was so shock and couldn't move for a couple of seconds but when I saw that Regan was about to attack Hunter again, I quickly got in between them in order to stop Regan from hitting Hunter any further.

"Get out of my way, Angelique!" Regan said furiously but I shook my head. I saw Hunter finally got up while wiping the blood on his lips with the back of his hand. I was expecting him to be mad because of the punch he received from my brother but he remained calmed.

"I can't believe that you forgive this guy after what he did to you! He just used you and who knows what he is up to again now that you're back together again!" I bit my lower lip.

"Mr. Novell, I love your sister so much" I heard Hunter finally spoke. I looked at him and he has that determine look in his eyes as he met my brother's menacing gaze.

"You and your sister are the same! You use people to get what you want without caring of their emotions! I actually entrusted my sister to you because I thought you're actually in love with her but I was wrong. Now tell me, what do you want from her? Didn't you use and hurt her enough?"

Hunter's eyes clouded with different emotions. He heaved a sigh before he took my hand and intertwined our fingers together.

"I admit that I hurt her because of that stupid thing that I did to her before. But believe me when I say that I loved her that's why I did everything in my power to get her back. I know you don't trust me---"

"Yes, I don't trust you one bit!" Regan roared. I heaved a sigh before I decided to speak.

"Reg, please calm down"

"Calm down? How can I calm down when I just found out what this guy did to you? I already told you that I won't ever get in the way if you ever had a boyfriend as long as he's a nice guy and wouldn't hurt you no matter what. When I learned that he is your boyfriend, I accepted him because you said you love him. But now, everything's different because of what he did to you! How could you forgive him just like that?! I saw how devastated you were when you came back from Greece. Even though you didn't opened up to me, I saw how hurt you were and seeing you like that hurt me too!"

"Reg, please, lower your voice. I know Hunter made a mistake but we already forgot about that. I already forgave him. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you the truth because I knew you would react this way. I knew that you're going to get back at him and that's the last thing I wanted to happen" His face softened a little bit upon hearing that.

"I wanted to talk to you about it for a couple of times but because of unforeseen circumstances, I couldn't come to you. But I went to your office before you and Angela flew to France. I was really determined to talk to you back then but you suddenly left. I know what I did to her was wrong and I am not making justice for myself. I understand if you get angry at me and won't forgive me of what I did but believe me when I say that I love your sister so much and I can't live without her" Hunter said with all sincerity while looking at my brother. Even though Regan was giving him deathly glares, he didn't even faze.

I couldn't help but to be happy because he's not backing up. He was determined to fight for our love and I should to the same.

I understand where Regan was coming from because if somebody would deceive my brother, I would also do everything in order to protect him from that person. But I need to be on Hunter's side this time because I love him. Even though I wanted to be just in between them, I need to show my brother that our love was true.

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