chapter 20

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I stared at my phone which is ringing incessantly. I was having a second thought if I would answer it or not. When it rang again for the nth time, I picked it up and answered it. I took a deep breath before I spoke.


"Oh my gosh! At last you finally answered your damn phone! What have you been doing since yesterday? Regan told me that you finally returned. The moment he told me that you're there with him, I tried calling you but you weren't picking it up" I smiled hearing my sister's voice.

I missed her usual nagging and impatient character. People says that she's the most serious among us siblings because she's always the silent type. But they have no idea how loud her mouth when she's at home. She has the loudest mouth but at the same time, she's the sweetest too.

"I'm sorry, Ellie. I was just busy since yesterday" I lied. I didn't want to lie but I don't know what to say. I didn't answer her calls intentionally because I knew she would pester me to go home.

"C'mon, Ange. I called Regan and he told me that you've been staying inside your room since you arrived. Knowing you, I know you have a problem. Tell me what happened to you this one year that you spent in Greece. You didn't call us even once. Mom was so worried about you, you know" I sighed and stood up from the bed. I went to the terrace and sat on the chair there.

"Can we talk about this when I get back?"

"Okay. When are you coming home?" She sounded excited all of a sudden. A smile form across my face.

"The day after tomorrow"

"Okay. You have a lot of explaining to do. Then, I'll hung up now. See you soon" I chuckled softly.

"Okay, little sis. See you soon. Bye" I ended the call. I took a deep breath and looked at the scenery outside. It's beautiful and relaxing but my insides were in turmoil. Why is it so hard to just forget everything?

Now is the time that I wish I had an amnesia so that I could forget the pain. I smiled bitterly and stroked my stomach. I could feel the growing life in there. I instantly felt relax just thinking about my unborn baby. If it wasn't because of my baby, I would've have did silly things like going to a club and drink 'til I drop just to forget about Hunter even for a while.

"Please bear with mommy for now, baby. I'm sorry that I'm feeling this way. Don't worry, mommy will do anything to make everything alright" I said, talking to my baby.

I was about to stood up from the chair when I suddenly heard my brother spoke.

"Who are you talking with?" I gasped in surprise. His eye brows were knitted together as he looked at my hand on my stomach. I suddenly felt nervous.

"I-I didn't h-hear you coming in" I said with a trembling voice.

"I knocked but you weren't responding. I thought you were sleeping so I just opened it. I just want to talk to you" His face was serious. I swallowed hard and just nodded my head. He sat on the chair next to me. I could tell that he's staring at me intently but I didn't have the courage to meet his gaze.

My heart was beating rapidly. What if he already knew about what happened to me? Oh please, no...

"Now tell me, who are you talking with a while ago?" I tried to fake a laugh.

"You're silly, Regan. No one. I'm alone here. I was just talking to myself" I couldn't help but to bit my bottom lip. I hate lying but I don't have a choice. I don't want to Regan to hurt Hunter. I don't know why I am still protecting him after what he did to me but I just don't have the courage to tell Regan about what happened.

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