chapter 28

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A/N: Join me on FB and get to see the teasers of every update of my stories before i publish it here on wattpad and some other things too. 

UN on FB: TwentyTwo MonAmour


  "Sorry, baby. Don't worry. I'll make sure to take care of you from now on. You and our baby are my utmost priority"- Hunter 


I slowly opened my eyes when I felt someone running their finger along my nose gently and I couldn't help but to smile when I saw his face. It really felt so good waking up in the morning and the first thing I see is his handsome face next to mine. It's been so long since I woke up beside him and it felt so natural and the longing I was feeling everytime I woke up alone in my bed, disappeared. My day is already complete with him by my side.

"Good morning" he greeted huskily while staring deeply into my eyes.

"Good morning" I answered back. He then gave me a soft peck on the lips.

"You're so beautiful" He whispered which made me roll my eyes at him.

"You always say that even though I just woke up. I know I am not beautiful right now. I still have a bed hair and I haven't----"

"Shhh...Why do always say that about yourself? Don't you really believe me when I say that you're beautiful? You're----" He asked with an evident displeasure on his face. I chuckled softly and squeezed his cheek gently.

"Spare me with your litany, mister. I believe you, okay?"

"I thought you still need some convincing. He's ready to prove it to you right now" His eyes danced playfully as he held my hand and placed it on his hard-on. My eyes widened. Gosh! He's already hard!

"Hunter! You're so h*rny! I let you have your way last night. Don't tell me it wasn't enough?!" He laughed loudly because of my reaction.

"You know me, baby. I'm always ready for you" I rolled my eyes again and got off the bed.

"Where do you think you're going? We're not done yet" He complained and sat upright. I giggled as I stared at his exposed nakedness. He really looked sexy and edible...enough for me to have for breakfast...What the hell are you thinking, Angelique?! Please get a hold of yourself!

"Sorry, baby, but I need to prep myself up. It's already 7:35. My work starts at 9 so I need to get ready now" I informed him and walked towards the bathroom naked.

"Damn..." He muttered lustfully. I looked back at him and I saw the desire glowing in his eyes as he stared at my naked body. I grinned naughtily at him.

"I can see that you're enjoying the view, huh, Hunter baby?" He smirked and got off the bed. My eyes widened when I saw him slowly walking towards me. Oh uh...

"Why are you coming closer to me? Don't tell me---"

"Did you really think I would miss the chance to take a shower with you? No way, Angel baby" His voice laced with desire as he stared at me intently. I gaped at him but he just gave me wink while grinning from ear to ear. I shook my head at him in disbelief but I couldn't deny the fact that my body was reacting towards him. I suddenly felt hot and needy again. Damn the pregnancy hormones!

A Billionaire's Charade (A Fake Paradise)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now