chapter 40

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A/N: Hi guys! This chapter was supposed to be split in two chapters but i changed my mind. Hope you don't mind a very long chapter. LOL! Anyway, i hope you like this chapter. I think it's EPILOGUE next..I think...

FB: Twentytwo MonAmour

IG: 22_Monamour


All I could do was to quietly pray for my baby and I's safety. While Ben was pulling me by the wrist towards his car, the men he was with went ahead of us and opened the door for us. No! I should do something to escape before they put me inside that car!

"Ben, please, don't do this" I pleaded him but he didn't listen to me. One of the men already went inside the car and sat on the driver's seat. He even started the engine already while waiting for everybody to get in.

"Shut up, Angela. I don't want to hear anything from you. You made me into this kind of person so suck it up!" He hissed.

"Now, get in silently before I lose my patience" I stared at him. Gone was the calm, genuine and kind Ben I used to know. He looked like he was full of hatred and I couldn't understand why. If there's someone who should be mad right now, it's me and Hunter because of what they're doing to us. They wanted to pull Hunter down in the mud by destroying his company and now this; they're planning on harming me and my baby.

"Why are you doing this to me, Ben? Please, let me go" His eyes darkened and his grip on my wrist tightened which made me wince in pain.

"I told you, Angela, I don't want to hear anything from you. Just get in the car!" My temper broke.

"Damn you, Ben! I trusted you! I thought you were a good natured person and to think that I even treated you as a friend!" I yelled in so much anger. He doesn't have the right to harbor any ill feelings towards me because I was honest with him from the beginning. I never lied to him or played with his emotions.

Even the time when Hunter and I separated, I didn't hid my true feelings to him. I told him that Hunter was still the one even after all the pain he brought me. He accepted that and I was even guilty because I knew he got hurt.

He knew very well how much I love Hunter from the beginning. He even told me that he already accepted my decision of choosing to be with Hunter and I admired him because I thought he's really a good person. But now, I realized that I was wrong about him.

He was been there during those times that I was sad and angry towards Hunter and I appreciated that. Maybe I made a mistake too. I should've stayed away from him than remained friends with him. Maybe I did that, he accepted the rejection earlier without Adrien adding salt in his wound. He should've moved on from his feelings by now if I considered that option before.

Now, I wanted to regret that I met him because of what he's doing to me right now, especially to Hunter.

"You don't have the right to tell me that, Angela. You hurt me so much and this is the payment of all the pain you've caused me"

"No! You don't have the right of doing this to me, Ben, because I was always been honest with you. You clearly knew from the beginning that I love Hunter. You asked me before if we could still be friends, but you're doing this to me. A true friend would never do this to his friends!" I spat at him. His jaw flexed in anger. I could tell that he was losing his patience towards me but I didn't care anymore. I've had enough of all this!

I saw him raised his right hand and I was already expecting what's about to happen. I closed my eyes and waited for his palm to land on my cheek. But after a couple of seconds, nothing happened. I slowly opened my eyes just to be surprised when I saw Ben already on the ground while Hunter was ragingly punching him in the face.

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