chapter 2

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  "Because you look like an angel descended from the heavens" -Hunter


"Regan!" I excitedly ran towards him and hugged him. It's been half a year since I saw him and I missed him.

"Why didn't you tell me that you're arriving today? I thought you're coming next month?" He asked as I pulled away from him. 

I sat on his swivel chair and played with it, making it spin in circles. I heard him sighed and stopped the chair from spinning.

"Would you stop that and answer my question Angelique!" I rolled my eyes because his tone became authoritative and even used my full name. He uses this tone with me and Ellie when we're beginning to get on his nerves.

"Nothing. I just want to see you sooner" I reasoned out which made him rolled his eyes at me. I wanted to laugh at him because of his reaction but I stopped myself.

"Don't give me that Angela. I know something happened. Now tell me about it" He said with a commanding voice and sat on the edge of his office table while staring at me intently. I groaned inwardly.

"I....I just want to get out of there as soon as possible because----"

"Because of what?" he interrupted.

"Because I caught Adrien cheating on me" I said quickly before I lose the courage to say so. I knew he would be enraged of this but I knew too that he wouldn't stop pestering me until I tell him about it. 

He always knows when I have a problem or when I am upset or sad. He hates seeing Ellie and I cry. I remember when he punched a guy who touched Ellie's butt few years ago. He is a very protective brother especially when our father died and he assumed our father's place at the company.

"What did you just say?!" His voice was stern and his face contorted with anger. I looked down and bit my bottom lip.

"I caught him sleeping with another woman" I said with an almost inaudible voice. I heard him cussed and pounded the table with his fist.

"That son of a b*tch!" I quickly stood up and hugged him to calm him down.

"Regan that's enough. I don't give a damn about him anymore. Let's just forget about him. He's not worth our time" I said and I felt his body relaxed.

"Are you sure? Are you okay now?" He enquired which made me smiled. I nodded my head in response. I was surprised myself; I wasn't that hurt of Adrien's betrayal considering that I thought I was in love with him. 

I mean yes I cried but it was more like I was mad because I couldn't accept the fact that he would cheat on me, Angelique Novell!

Well, my only consolation was that I didn't give him my all and thank God I was smart enough.


"Regan, I am going out tonight" I shouted to him. He was in the living room, watching a movie.

 Well he's not exactly watching the movie because he was also busy typing on his laptop. I was in the kitchen, cooking. We were in his penthouse and I told the maid to go home early because I wanted to be the one to cook our dinner. I heard his footsteps approaching towards me.

"Where are you going?" I rolled my eyes at his question. I felt like he was still treating me like a kid again. I am 22 years old for crying out loud!

"I am just going to have fun with my friends tonight at the club, big bro. Don't worry, I'll be with my friends" I assured him but he furrowed his eye brows.

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