chapter 4

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  "Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses" -Ann Landers


"Where is Sheena?" I enquired Hunter. We were in his car going 'home' as he told me. He told me that we got married here and decided to stay here for good.

"She had to do something. She'll come tomorrow with her mom" I nodded my head and didn't ask anything again. 

I tried studying him from my peripheral vision and he was indeed good looking. No, good looking is an understatement. He was an Adonis and gorgeous specimen that any woman would love to have as a boyfriend or husband. His body was muscular and he's so tall too. 

He has a clean cut hair not like those guys nowadays with long bushy hair. I don't even know if that's what you call those dirty looking hairstyles. Well, I don't have anything against those hair styles but I just simply don't find them attractive.

"Does my wife likes what she sees?" I heard him asked amusedly and that made me blushed profusely. I didn't notice that he was also observing me.

"What are you talking about?" I asked feigning ignorance which made him chuckle and shrugged his shoulders. 

I stared again at him and tried to remember something about him but there was none. I couldn't even feel any familiar feeling towards him. I groaned inwardly as I closed my eyes to calm my senses because my head started to ache.


The car came to a halt in front of a two story beach house. The house was painted in white but the windows were painted in sky blue. The fences around the area has a different flowering climbers on them which added to the beauty of the place. The main port has also flowering climbers above it. The right side of the house was a little garden consist of different flowering plants including vegetables.

"Welcome home Angel" I heard say and I just smiled at him faintly. 

Even the interior design of the house was Greek style. I saw the back door and I opened it and the breathtaking view of the ocean greeted me. It was beautiful and relaxing view.

"Oh my god! It's so beautiful" I gasped. The place was indeed a paradise.  

I also noticed a swimming pool and an outdoor Jacuzzi that looked like a perfect place to spend time to in this warm summer season while gazing at the deep blue sea. My thoughts were interrupted when I felt Hunter's arms snaked around my waist, his chin landed on my left shoulder.

"Do you like it Angel?" He asked sweetly which made my breath ragged and my heart thumped like crazy. Maybe I was totally in love with him because I married him, I thought. I smiled inwardly and let myself drown into his manly scent and warmth.

"Yes. It's so beautiful here" I answered honestly. 

The place was totally beautiful but for some reason it didn't feel familiar to me at all. It felt like it was the first time I saw it. Even his presence, I admit it felt good to be inside his arms but there was no familiarity feeling at all. I shook my head and just brushed the thought off. Maybe because I have an amnesia.

"Did we chose this place together?" I asked while looking around in awe. I heard him cleared his throat before he answered. 

"No. It was supposed to be my surprise to you but that accident happened. I hope you like it" I looked back at him and as usual, i couldn't read him at all. I felt uneasy around him sometimes but there were times too that he was so affectionate that i felt comfortable and safe around him all of a sudden. 

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