chapter 36

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At last, i finished this chapter! I've been trying to complete this chapter for days now but i couldn't finish it because of the lack of time. Anyway, I'm actually having a writer's block on this story so i'm sorry if it's quite a bit 'light' update. I'll try to write better scenes on the next chapters so stay tuned! 

To my readers of ML,MD---I'll be in Italy for the next couple of days so i'm not sure if I could update MY LOVE, MY DESTINY. Hope you understand :)

WARNING!!! This chapter contains MATURE scenes for ADULTS only! Read at your own risk!!!


"Hey" I was pulled out of my reverie when I heard Hunter's voice while waving his hand before my face.

"You were saying?" he squeezed my nose gently while chuckling.

"Let's go inside first. We'll talk about it later, okay?" He said. I nodded my head and smiled at him. He opened the trunk of the car and got our things out.

"Is it okay if we stay here? I mean, isn't your father going to get mad at us?" I asked hesitantly. He closed the trunk and walked closer to me.

"Don't worry about it. This house was given to me by my grandfather before he died. We can stay here as long as we want. This is our home now"

"Our home?" I questioned as my heart started beating rapidly. He raised his hand and touched my cheek. The love in his eyes was visible and I felt so overwhelmed. I never dreamt that I would meet a guy who could look at me the way he looks at me everytime he stares at me.

He always gives me that look, like I was the most beautiful woman in the world.

"You don't want to?" His voice became reluctant. I beamed at him as I tipped toed and gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek.

"Of course I want to. Even though this place reminds me of the past, it's still home for me" I answered. His eyebrows creased.

"What do you mean by that, baby?" I heaved a sigh.

"Well, this place is memorable for me. I experienced the happiest moments of my life here...but I experienced the most painful too. If you know what I mean" I bit my lower lip and waited for his reaction.

Mix emotions passed through his eyes. I could tell that it affected him.

"But now, I am no longer hurting when I remember about it. When I forgave you, I already forgot about that and decided to anew with you. You don't have to feel embarrassed about it. It's all in the past now, right?" His sad eyes suddenly brightened. He pulled me by the waist and before I could tell what he was about to do, he already gave me a sensual kiss which made my senses reeling.

I moaned in pleasure and clung my arms around his neck.

The kiss was hot, wild and soul searching. I could barely stand up because of the effect of it in my whole body. His kisses and touch's effect on me didn't change at all and I know that even after how many years from now, I would still feel this way towards him.

His hand went to the back of my neck and was about to deepen the kiss more when we heard someone cleared their throat. We quickly stopped and pulled away from each other.

"I'm glad you managed to take her back here. Welcome back, Angela" The happy voice of Ana made the embarrassment I was feeling disappeared. I smiled at her. Hunter's hand went over to my shoulder and pulled me closer to him.

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