Chapter 1:

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Chapter 1

Shawn's Point of view...

Hello, my name is Shawn Carter, I am an executive.Definition:

Exectutive: having the power to put plans, actions, or laws into effect.

They may be a bit stressful but this is what I want to be. I have a wife but no kids. Now, I may be married...But, I'm not as happy as I was before. Her name is Katie and though she can give me headaches, I thank God for her.

Now, enough of that summary of my boring life. I have to get ready for work, which started about 40 minutes ago.

I know, I'm the boss and I'm supposed to be there early, but I have a life am I right?

Ha...Anyway, I took up my brief case and made my way downstairs. I made my way towards Katie and pecked her cheek.

"Hurry up...Okay?" She smirked as she held my lunch kit. "Don't worry I will.." I kissed her again but this time, on the lips.

I gently slapped her ass when I was done.

"I never told you that you could've touched it!" She had yelled after me as I walked outside.

I chuckled and walked back, forgetting my lunch kit.
I took it from her and held her waist..."You know, I do what I like.."

She raised an eyebrow and laughed "Get to work please.."

I laughed and loosened my grip, walking back outside. "I love you.." I told her. "I love you too..." She said lowly, walking behind me and closing the door once I was out.


"Crap.." I mumbled while I rushed into the elevator. When I got there, one of my employees were there, holding the door for me.


"No problem man..." one of my close friends Trey greeted me.

"Nothing, I'm already late for work and most importantly I'm expecting a new temp. I don't want him to be a bit nervous...Especially since I'll be the one late."

"He? Your temp is a woman...A pretty one too if I may add."

"Impossible...I requested a male." I snickered, as I held my things tightly. "Well, the woman stated that she is your assistant."

I looked at him confused, not thrilled at all. "Look, I'm going to have this settled."

"But, a woman assistant should be great for you..Don't get all upset." he told me; convincing me to keep her.

"Look, I am married and I know for a fact that Katie will trip and may even throw a couple fists at my face for even keeping her"

He laughed, "Yeah, Katie is crazy."

"You don't even know the half of it."

The both of us continued to laugh.

"I know Katie though, she will get mad..May even assume some things."

I nodded, "Exactly, this is why I can't have a woman getting me coffee and doing paper work."

He chuckled and the elevator door opened, we walked out.



Hello, my name is Beyoncé. I am supposed to be working for Mr. Carter. I was looking for him or even his office, but some how I got lost.

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