Chpt. 34

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Beyonce's P.O.V.

In a while the man that I was "seducing" is going to come. I hopped off the bunk bed and I brushed my hair with my fingers. The girl came towards me and started helping. She took all the knots out of my hair and brushed it with her hands. I felt her braiding the sides of my hair and then she tied them to the back. She brushed the rest of my hair down with her fingers. She took out a pair or nail clippers.

"What you gonna do with that?"

"They don't allow scissors so I am going to cut up your clothes a little."


I saw her clip the shoulder part of my sleeves making it drop to the floor. She then did the other part and it fell to the floor. She walked in front of me and started clipping the part where my breasts are. She made a V shape showing the entrance of my breasts and dropped it on the floor.

"Stand up" she said.

I stood up and she clipped the sides of my curves and dropped it. She did the other side as well.

"The Ghetto way of making a seductive outfit." I whispered.

She chuckled. I smiled and she gathered the pieces on the floor and threw them in the trash.

"You look ready to seduce my friend." she said with a wink.

I chuckled and waited behind the bars. Ten minutes later he came and unlocked my bars. I flipped my hair to the side and walked along with him. He placed his hand on my back and we walked to a door. He opened it and I walked in. He closed and locked the door. I placed my hand on my hip. I watched him and bit my bottom lip.

He chuckled. "Look... You're a criminal. But, I like you."

I chuckled and took his hand. "Oh Be quiet.." I said. I pressed him against the wall.

"You like being in control huh?"

"Mhm.." I said.

He softly laughed and held my lower back. Right above my ass. I smirked at him and burried my face on his neck. I licked his neck with the very tip of my tongue and he let out a slight moan. I placed him in the chair and sat on him. I really didn't want to kiss him. But I really wanted to get out of here so I kissed him. I tongued him down and licked his bottom lip.

"You do know that I am the boss of this whole police station? Right?"

"Mm, you are? I didn't even know.."

He chuckled. "Kiss me again.."

"Before I do so.. Promise me something..."

"What must I promise?"

"Get me out of here so I can go to your home.."

"Woah, Ms.Knowles..."

I smirked. "Only under one condition..."

"We have to do more than just kiss when we get over there.."

"Mm, okay.."

"Kiss me now.."

I kissed him for a long time. I slipped my tongue in a swirled it all around in his mouth. I did that for about two minutes. I then stopped.

"Take me to your house now.." I whispered.

He nodded and stood up. I saw him take out some papers. He started signing them. He gave them to me. "Sign it" he said.

Before I signed it I read it. I skimmed through it. When I saw the word. "Let him/she out of prison" I signed it. I gave it back to him.

"YOU bailed me out?"

"Its my station aint it?"

I smiled. "Make a copy."

He nodded and made a copy.. He gave it to me. He walked me outside and we got in his car.

"Before I go to your house can I please make a stop at mines?"

"What for?"

"I really want to shower and I really want to change..."

He chuckled. "Guide me to your house.."

I guided him to my house and got out the car.

"Stay here.." I told him..

He nodded. I walked up the stairs and opened the door. That man is so retarded. I chuckled and walked in. I saw Shawn sitting on the couch. I locked the door and tip toed behind him. I started kissing his neck. He jumped.

"Hello Mr.Carter" I whispered in a seductive tone.

He smiled when he heard my voice. "Come here!" he said.

I chuckled and walked in front of him. I sat down on his lap. He leaned in and kissed me for a long time. I smiled at him.

"I missed you." we both said in unison.

He smiled back at me. "How did you get here!? Beyonce did you break out!?"

I laughed. "No.." I handed him the copy. He skimmed down it.

"I kissed him into it.."

"Waaaait. You kissed him and then kiss me?"

I chuckled. "Sorry.."

"You're lucky that I love you.. But where is that man?"

"He is outside waiting.."

"Waiting on what?"

"Waiting on me to come out.."


"To go to his house."

"For?" he repeated.

"I have no idea."

"You're not going back outside."

"I dont want to.."

"Girl, I missed you so much."

"I missed my little friend.." I whispered.

"Lucky for you he missed you too.."

I laughed. "Come show me what he missed.."

"Ohh, you didn't have to tell me.." he said

I chuckled and he carried me to my room.

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