Chpt. 45

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Shawn's P.O.V.

I rolled over to the side and wrapped my arms around Beyonce. She gripped my arm and did a groan. She gently moved my arm off of her. I sighed and turned on my back. "Beyonce..." I whispered. She turned facing me and passed her hand through her hair. I loved when she did that. "Yes?" she said sleepishly. I turned and faced her. "To get this straight.. You forgive me?" I asked her.. She rubbed her eyes and gripped my hand. She nodded and gripped my hand tighter. "Beyonce, I promise I'd never cheat on you." I whispered. She raised an eyebrow. "I believe you." she said. I smiled and she started playing with my fingers. "Today is my divorce trial.." I whispered to her. She licked her lips and looked at me. "You sure you want to do this? Don't do it because of me. Do it because of what your heart feels inside." she told me.

"I want to do it... I love you so much. I don't know where I would have been without you. You've been my best friend through it all. You went to jail for me. You almost died because of me. I understand what made you upset Beyonce. I appreciate everything you do. I am sorry for everything I've put you through. Now that you're in my life. You're a part of me. Don't ever leave.." I said squeezing her hand. She gave me a soft smile and nodded. "I won't ever leave.." she whispered. I smiled and gave her a peck on the lips. She licked her lips and smiled at me. Her phone rang. I moved out of bed and she placed the phone by her ear. "Hello?" she said.

"But, I don't.. Okay.. I'll be there." she said.

I glanced at her and she hung up. She moved out the bed without a word and went in the shower.

"Bey.." I said.. "Mm?" she responded. "Where you going?" I asked.

"To work.." "Why? Wait Where?"

"I signed this application. I'm going to be working in a different office." she said. I grunted and walked towards the shower. "Why!? I told you you can come back."

"Shawn.. You can't interfere work with a relationship. You can't be my boss and then we live together. No thanks." she said. I sucked my teeth.

"Don't suck it. Brush it." She said. I rolled my eyes at her comment. After ten minutes of her shower she got out and walked by me brushing her teeth. When she was done she faced me. "By the way. We have to move.."

I widened my eyes. "To another state!?" I asked. She shook her head. "To the other side of town."

"Your job is on the other side of town?" .. She nodded and goggled some listerine and spat it out.

"That's not bad since I can work down there as well since I have another office down there."

She smiled. "Great! Were moving on Friday."

"Beyonce today is Wednesday." I informed her. She dropped her towel and sat on the chair lotioning herself. "Baby, I know.. But I already been looking for another place to stay when we were mad at each other." I sighed and watched her place her underwear and laced bra on. If she wasn't going to work now I swear I would've gave her a quicky right there. "Bey what kind of house is it?"

When I asked her that she gave me a huge smile. "It's bigger and better than this one. It's a pent house." .. I opened my eyes wide. "You renting or bought it?"

"Bought." she answered. "Damn. I was paying you a lot.." I said. She laughed. "Whatever."

"I'mma help you pay the bills." I told her. She smiled. "Thank you. But, I can do that alone."

I shook my head. "A man's job is to pay all the bills while the man gives the woman some money to make the house look welcome and at home." I said. She glanced at me. "Well someone's been learning how to treat a woman." she said going to her closet. I followed her. "Pretty much. I have to learn how to treat you right cause you don't play.." I whispered. She chuckled and placed her hand in my face while taking out this suit she had there. "Suck my left nut." she whispered walking back to the room. "Babe, the last time I checked you didn't have one."

Complicated : (2014)✔️Where stories live. Discover now