Chpt. 53

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Shawn's P. O. V.

Beyoncé grunted and opened her door walking to the back besides Katy. She opened her legs wider. I know that must have been a little weird for her since she doesn't even like Katy. I put the car on park and walked to the back where they were. I sat on the side and took out these gloves I had in a pack for a while. I placed some on and Beyonce placed one on her left hand. Beyoncé just watched me as if she was saying.

"You put me through bullshit but I'm still here"

I sighed and Katy grabbed Beyoncé's hand again. When she did Beyoncé let out a squeak. I placed my hands down there holding her thighs. I don't know how to do this. I have a son but, I wasn't there for his birth. I'm paying the mother to take care of him. But, I wasn't there. Beyoncé doesn't even know about that and I rather her not to. Were not even together anymore so why does it matter right?

When I looked at Beyoncé her whole hand was red and so was her face. She squeezed her eyes tightly because of the pain Katy was putting on her hand.

"Get it out of her!" Beyoncé yelled at me making me flinch. I looked back down and rolled up Katy's dress. I took her panties off and gripped her thighs.

I was disgusted by this but I have to man up right now. That's my creation right there.

"When I count to three push. One...Two...Three..." I said.

Katy let out one massive push holding Beyoncé's hand tighter than ever.

"Fuck counting to three push Katy!!!" Beyoncé yelled really not wanting Katy to hurt her anymore. Katy let out another push and I began to see it's head. "Come on baby push.." I whispered. I know I called her baby but right now she needed some consoling. She pushed harder and I began to hear a cry. It was literally music to my ears. I awed and watched my bloody son slipped into my hands.. I looked at him and felt a tear fall out my eye. I've never seen someone so beautiful except Beyoncé and Katy. Even though Katy does get on my nerves. I must admit. She's a beautiful girl. Cheryl was cute too.

Katy finally let loose of Beyoncé's hand and I watched as she fell to the corner of the door.

"Thank you Jesus..." Beyoncé whispered holding her wrist. I did a slight laugh and Katy took our son from my hands.


Katy was on the hospital bed sleeping. Our son was with the doctors. Beyoncé was on the seat sitting down. I slowly made my way over to her and sat down. She looked at me and looked back down. I figured now was the time to finally win her back.

"Beyoncé.." I whispered. Her name flowed out my mouth like it itself was gold. She glanced up at me and placed a hand under her chin waiting for me to speak.

"I love you.. I'm sorry for all those bad things I've done to you. You're the reason I'm surviving. If it weren't for you I know I'd be breathing the cell's air. I'm awfully sorry for hitting you across your beautiful face. For choking your gorgeous neck and for saying those hurtful cruel words towards you. I miss you being mines. Not a day goes by that I don't regret what I've did. I really want you to forgive me.." I whispered.

Her eyes never escaped mine. She kept looking at my right eye and the left. Water formed her eyes and I saw her amber brown eyes twinkle like a star.

"I forgive you.." She whispered. A smile came across my face. "So can we come back together as one and leave the past all behind us?" I asked. She sighed and shook her head. My smile drifted away. "You've cheated twice and after all the pain I've been in since you brought that girl in my house. I realized that I cant be hurt like this all the time Shawn. I have feelings."

I sighed. "I know. I promise you it won't happen again." When she blinked the water that was forming her eyes fell down as tears. "I don't think I can trust you again.."

I sighed.

Why am I so fucking selfish?!

"Why not?" I asked. She kept looking at me and huffed. "Why not? Shawn. You know I loved you so much. When I started loving you not matter what you did to me I couldn't stop. You took advantage of my love. I can't go through pain like that again. That almost killed me. All that I could think about was death."

"Death?" I asked her with a pain in my chest. She nodded slowly and I rested my hand on her back. She shivered when I touched her. "Don't ever think about death again." I whispered.

She sighed and bent her head. "Why are you so sensitive of my touch now?" I finally asked her.

She shrugged. "Since the day you choked me then fucked me abusively then slapped me. I can feel the pain of all those things over again when you touch me.." She whispered.

I gushed. "I never meant to hurt you so much.."

"I know you didn't. I already forgave you.."

She is so humble.

I slid my hand softly towards her neck and placed a soft grip on it. She flinched at that. I sighed but leaned in and pecked her lips. I rested my forehead on hers.

"I love you to the death of me.." I whispered leaning in to kiss her again but she slowly backed away. "No Shawn.." She whispered. I disobeyed her and laid my lips on hers giving her another soft but longer peck on the lips. She eventually gave in and I rested my thumb on her chin biting her bottom lip softly. I licked her bottom lip and she opened her mouth a little making my lips travel against hers. I stopped the kiss.

"Tell me you love me.." I whispered. She sighed and just watched me for about two minutes. Finally she spoke "Let me show you.." She finally whispered back leaning back to kiss me again.

Author's Note.

Some of ya'll didn't want them together but... Their not together... Yet. I'm sorry Jayoncé can not separate for long. But, I will tell you to look out for the drama. *winks*

Lol, but any suggestion of Baby names? Write your thought of this chappie and then besides it write a baby name for Katy and Shawn's beloved son.

(Single ladies go hard son.....That single ladies go HAARD. Son son.. Don don don) <Lmao that Beyoncé rehearsal though 😂😂😂😂 anyways Yeaaah.

*Ruthy 💖💞💓

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