Chpt. 28

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Shawn's P.o.v.

*Really Short.. Only did it cause yall blew up my kik*

I didn't even tell Katie bye. I clicked "end call" I walked out the door. I told her I'd have to make up with Katie some how. I ran up stairs. I forgot all about the elevator. I knocked on the door. I could hear her crying. "Who is it?" she said sounding like she was breaking down. "Its me.. Shawn.." I said. I knew she was mad. I jumped back when I heard something hit the door. "Go away.." she yelled. "No.. Open the door please.." "Why? So you can say I was just pussy?" she said. I shook my head.. "You wasn't just pussy. You know I got feelings for you girl.." She flinged something at the door again. "Don't come with this bullshit Shawn." I sighed. "I only said those things so Katie wouldn't go open her mouth." I heard her get off the bed. "Keep talking.." I heard her say. "I don't love Katie.. You're my girl now.. I just said those things so she would keep her mouth shut. Girl, you know you're like my world Beyonce.." "Maybe you was just a lesson.." she said. "Im not a lesson. I'm yours. Come to me. Open this door." I saw the knob turn. She held the door looking straight at me with a straight face. No emotions. "I forgive you.." She said. I smiled. But she didnt smile back. "That doesn't mean I'll forget this.." I placed my hands on her hips. "Beyonce.. come on, don't let this come between us." She looked down at her feet. "Im not. I just dont want to be in this drama. If Katie takes you back. Im not goan be in this scene." "Beyonce you're not understanding." "I am. Even though you make up with her and dont keep the marriage with her dont mean she aint goan say nothing. It has a damn reward prize.." she said. "I can fool around her.." I said. She switched from the right foot to the other getting unpatient. "Fool around how?" she asked. "I can make her do a video saying I didnt do anything in case she does tell." "Okay Shawn.." She was about to close the door. "Im not taking Katie back?" "Then what are you going to do? Tell her you love her. Go back do the video. Dump her and walk back to me?" She said. I smirked. "Thats a nice idea.." "Bye Shawn.." she was about to close the door again. "Okay Beyonce. What do you wany me to do?" "I want you to forget about me." She closed the door. I sighed and backed away a little. "You know.. Sometimes you can be a real bi-- you can be real childish!" I kicked the door. "OPEN UP THE MOTHER FUCKING DOOR BEYONCE!" When I said that she opened up the door and pushed me. She pressed me against the wall. "Damn.. I like when you get mad.." she whispered. She smirked at me. I was furious. "You're bi polar as fuck!" "mm, I know.." She kissed me. I pulled back her hair. "Fuck, you confusing me.." I said. She smiled. "I know baby.. I can't stay mad at you.. But I am still in kick a bitch mood." "Beyonce. I cant have a bad record. I own businesses. I own restaurants. I can buy you! Its that serious!" "You seem stressed.." she whispered. "What the fuck do you expect!? Im up in here trying to love you. But you pushing me away. Hell, Im getting a damn DIVORCE! FUCK, I CAN BE IN JAIL WHEN I GET BACK!" I rubbed my head. Beyonce kissed me. "I appreciate everything you do." she kissed me again. "Fuck katie.." She kissed me once more tongue and everything then pulled back. "If you go to jail. I'm going to be right there beside you.." She pressed on me more. "Now stop stressing and come reduce your stress on me.." "Beyonce, you said you didn't want to do that anymore." "Maybe I changed my mind.." She smirked at me. "No, I respect you.." "Damn Shawn.. Stop being so up tight." She held my hand and led me into the room. She closed the door behind us. She turned off the lights and leaned on me till I fell onto the bed. She slid down my jeans and placed her tongue on me. I gripped the sheets. "Damn.. girl..! Fuck!" I yelled. She slid her tongue all around and licked the tip. She started deep throating me. I haven't gotten head this good since I was in school. I curled my toes as she slid down lower on me. She sucked on it like it was the last thing on earth. 20 minutes past and I came in her mouth. She swallowed it and squinted her left eye. Im surprised she swallowed it when it was her first time. "Damn girl..." She stood up. "Did I take your stress away?" she whispered. "Hell yeah.." I said. she smiled and kissed me. "I love you so much." I said. "I love you too Shawn.

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