Chpt. 49

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Beyoncé's P.O.V.

I ran after Shawn trying to explain but he kept rushing me to the side. He opened his car door and got in. I hopped to the side of the car and went to the passengers side. I opened the door and sat next to him. I looked at him and slowly slid my hand on his. He slapped my hand away and I sighed.

"Shawn.." I whispered. He never looked at me. "Shawn..." I said again.

"Get out of my fucking car or else...." He hissed in my face. I shivered and backed up a bit.

Am I in a violent relationship?

"Or else what?!" My fast mouth slightly yelled. He looked at me and glanced at the windshield.

"Beyoncé you don't know. You don't know what I want to do to you right now." He said a little calmer. "What do you want to do?" I asked.

He huffed and sat back. "Murder you.." His teeth shattered when he got those words out of his mouth. I bit my bottom lip and suddenly got scared. "Shawn.."

"BEYONCÉ GET OUT!!" He yelled and reached to open my side himself. I jumped a bit. "IM NOT LEAVING UNTIL YOU LET ME EXPLAIN!" I yelled back hitting his hand.

He growled and looked at me. "You don't have to explain. It's over.." He said softly. My eyes began to water. "Over?" I asked feeling a tear fall down my face.

"Beyonce wipe that bullshit off your face and get the fuck out my car!" He yelled. I sighed and opened the door.

"You go'n miss me when I'm gone.." I hissed and spat on his face after, making him feel my saliva travel down his cheek like he was crying. I jumped out his car and walked back inside. I opened my door and Michael watched me. I watched him back. The thoughts that were coming to my mind.. Everything I've been feeling. I needed something.

I sat down in my seat and he slowly walked over to me. "Are you okay?" He asked. I sighed and buried my head down on the keyboard of my computer. "You okay?" He asked again.

"My relationship is....Complicated.." I mumbled. He sighed. "I saw when he hit you. No man should ever do that no matter how angry he is.." He said.

I never picked my head up and he began rubbing my back. "It's going to be okay.." He said. I sniffled. "Does he hit you frequently?" He asked. I shook my head. "Have he hit you before?" I shook my head again. "Beyoncé look at me.." He whispered. I slowly picked my head up and glanced at him. I placed a hand under my chin and he passed his hands through my hair and pushed it out of my face. He slowly leaned in and gave me a peck on my lips.

"You deserve better.." He said. I nodded and turned my head away. "Michael can you...Kiss me again?" I asked and turned my head to face him. He chuckled and placed a finger under my chin and laid his soft pink lips on mines again. He moved his lips all around mines and I slowly got off my chair and sat down in front of him. He moved his hands down my waist and I sat down on my knees getting lost in his touch. He placed a soft grip on my neck and leaned more into the kiss slowly bringing me down to the floor. I wrapped my right leg around him and he started kissing me a bit more intenced. I slowly slithered my tongue into his mouth and felt his soft tongue slither against mine. He pulled away and we both breathed hard.

"He broke up with you?" He asked. "Yes..." I whispered in a sad tone. He rolled his eyes. "How could he." He said leaning in to kiss me again.




I got out my car and placed the pin into my house. The gates opened and I walked inside. I walked down the pale path and took out my keys opening the door. I closed it when I walked in. Shawn's car was in his usual parking space so he had to be here. I walked up and turned on the lights. I looked at the lingerie that was on the floor. I picked it off of the floor and looked at it.

Did he really?

"Oooh,..Shawn!" I heard a squeaky female voice moan. My heart immediately dropped to the floor when I heard that. I walked up the stairs slowly trying hard to not make my heels make a "clack" sound. I was on the last step when I heard the bed make a squeaking noise. I sighed knowing what he was doing already. I placed my ear by the door and when I heard him making that usual breath he makes when were doing it I kicked the door open with my heel. I glanced at Shawn and he looked me straight in the eyes still thrusting into her.

"Beyoncé meet my lady assistant Cheryl.." He said with a smile. I huffed sadly and a tear fell down from my eyes. I did a fake smile and raised my right hand slowly waving at her before placing my head down and closing our room door. I sat down finally realizing what me and Michael did was wrong. Even though we didn't have sex. I could feel the guilt coming over me as my whole face became ugly. I wiped off my face and walked back down the stairs. I took my keys out of my pocket and grabbed my purse. My vision started getting blurry as I felt my tears warm up my eyes. I blinked and the tears fell. I opened the front door and sadly walked down the pale path back to my car. I sat there and began crying louder and harder since I was by myself. I

gripped the steering wheel and buried my face into it. I felt my tears slide down my eyes

All night, I stayed in my car crying until I eventually fell asleep.



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