Chpt 54

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I sat up watching Katie. All night we talked until she drifted to sleep. Beyoncé head was on my lap. I played with her ears a little and saw her nose twitch. I laughed a little. I leaned in and pecked her lips and she opened her eyes smiling at me. "Hey." She whispered. I smiled back. "Hey." She lifted up her head and looked at the clock. "Damn.. I'm gonna be late!" She hissed jumping off of the couch. "Late for what?" I asked.

"Work Shawn."

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Call in sick.." I told her. "But. I'm not sick." I pouted and held her waist. "Please.." I whispered. She looked at me. "Did you break up with her?" She asked. I shook my head and she sighed. "I'm going to work.." She said letting go of my grip from around her waist. I laid back. "Whatever." I whispered. She took her purse and touched Katie's hand walking out.


Honestly.. I do not know if I'm supposed to take Shawn after all the hurt and pain I went through. I opened my car door and walked down the path opening my door. I saw Cheryl on my couch sleeping. I shook her. "Get up." I whispered. She sat up and I shot her a friendly smile. "Hey.." I said.

"Hello.." She said running her hands through her hair. "You got work today?" I asked. She nodded. "Your boyfriend isn't going." I said. "Then it doesn't make sense for me to go then.." I shrugged and made my way up the stairs.

"Wait. Beyoncé?"

I turned around and watched her. "Why are you so happy today?" She asked. "I can't stress over everything. By the way, I'm always happy my love.." I turned on my heels and continued walking up the stairs. I picked out my outfit which was actually just a yellow dress. I took my shower, brushed my teeth, moisterized. All those good stuff. I dropped my dress on and pulled my hair back into a pony tail. I didn't throw on any make-up since I felt quite fine with my appearance. I took out my pair of yellow heels and stepped into them before admiring myself in the mirror. I placed in a small yellow flower in my hair. I felt young. Well, I am only 28.

I opened my bedroom door and walked out. I had an interview today so I most definitely had to be there early. I called Michael.

"Hello??" He answered sounding tired. I chuckled.

"Wake up.." I whispered. He laughed and I could hear him getting off the bed. "I totally forgot about having to be early today."

I waved good bye towards Cheryl and walked out. "I know you did. It's quite obvious.." He laughed. "A suit right?"

"Oh yeah. Wear a suit and get off the phone before your wife thinks negatively." I said. He chuckled. "Alright I got a suit and she's out for today and I was kind of hoping if you can pick me up. My car broke down.."

I started laughing for some odd reason. "You getting comfortable."

"Yeah." He laughed. "So will you?"

"Do I even have a choice?" I asked him. "Not really."

I rolled my eyes as if he could see me. I entered my car and turned on the engine. "I'm on my way. Take a fast shower Michael."

He chuckled. "Yeah.. yeah.."


I walked up to Katie and smiled she smiled back. "Hey.." She whispered. I smiled. "How are you feeling?" I asked. "Better than ever.." I smiled and pulled a chair up to her sitting down. She glanced at me and sat up a bit.

"Do you love Beyoncé?" She asked me out of no where. That question got me off gaurd.

"Of course I love her.." I said. "Just the way you loved me?"

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