Chpt. 43

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Beyonce's P.O.V.

I sat down on the chair cracking my fingers. I cracked each one as a pile of angryness came over me. Katy burst into my room and crashed me on the wall. I gasped since it caught me off gaurd. I sighed. "Didn't get enough? Came back for more?" I whispered to her. She gave me a death stare and punched me dead in the face. I bent my head back since she did indeed punch me hard. I held my face and kicked her thighs. I then lifted my head back and punched her in the right eye. I pushed her off of me and crashed her into the wall. My lamp fell on her and she fell along with it. She hopped back up and crashed me on my bed punching me all in my chest. I kicked her in that certain area and my two hands crashed against her face making her fall down on the floor. I stood up. I decided to not let my anger take the best of me. I wiped the blood off my neck and turned around walking towards the door. Before I even reached the door she grabbed the behind of my shirt pulling me she pushed me against the window. The window broke and my whole body was outside of it. I gasped and held on to the windows. She placed her hands on my neck pushing me down lower. I bit my bottom lip. Why the fuck was I involved with Shawn. She pushed me lower making my whole back outside the window. I looked down and saw a huge amount of cars below. "Let go of me!" I told her. She smirked "Shawn is mines..." She said. I bent my neck back. "You can have him." I said. My voice started to go away. Katy pushed me lower. "I don't want him." She told me.

"Then why is he yours?" I asked looking up at her.

"His money."

I sucked my teeth and gripped her shoulders. "Katy if you don't get off of me I swear I will murder you." I told her biting my lip.

"Murder me? How? When you're on the way of dying right now." she told me.

"Trust. This isn't the first time I almost died." I grabbed her arm and pushed her out the window. I gripped the windows and pulled myself up. I placed my feet on the floor and wiggled my toes. I walked in the hallway.

"So you couldn't help me!?" I asked him

"Beyonce I tried. You punched me. Not to mention I don't hit women."

I rolled my eyes and limped my way to the kitchen. I thought about something and stopped walking. I turned to face Shawn. "Call 911.. I may be off to jail. Again. Not because of me. But because of you. Again. I stayed faithful to you. Why did you? You know how you made me feel? If you don't I'll tell you. I felt like nothing Shawn. Nothing. Everything I've done for you and you act like you don't care."

"I do care! Beyonce. You push me away.."

"Shawn I never pushed you away until that day you told Katy you loved her."

"Where's Katy?"

"Outside. Laying down."

"What happened?" he asked

"What do you think happened?"

I turned around.

"Beyonce. I love you."

"I loved you too." I said. He gripped my arm from behind. I stopped walking. He gripped my hand tighter. "Beyonce please. Another chance?" he asked me. I thought for a while and yanked my arm away from him. I continued walking towards the kitchen. I took a bowl of ice cream and sat down on the couch. He came towards me.

"Oh Shawn. I forgot something.." I said kicking my feet on top of the table.

"What is that?"

"You're paying to stay here."

"For What!?"

"It's my house. You got money find yourself a hotel. I don't care."

He sighed. "How much do I have to pay you?" he asked.

"Ten Thousand dollars a month."

"BEYONCE ARE YOU CRAZY!?" He yelled after me.

I flinched at his yelling. "I'm serious. You renting. I really don't want you here. But I'm trying to be nice. Please do me a favor."

He sighed. "What is the favor?"

"Get the fuck out of my sight and don't turn back out of that basement until tomorrow." I said.

He grunted. "You're just being cruel!"

I stood up "I killed that bitch. Yeah, I KILLED HER! Why!? I didn't want to. Trust me! YOU CAUSED THIS SHIT!.." I took a deep breath as tears flowed down my eyes slowly. "I killed someone. Because of you. I know I'm going to jail again. Because of you. EVERYTHING is because of you. I'm trying to stay calm. Believe me. If I wasn't trying to be calm. You would be dead as well. Now, if you like living. Get the fuck out of my face."

He sighed and walked headed the way downstairs. He stopped and turned around.

"I love you.." He whispered.

I sucked my teeth and rolled my eyes. I walked back to the couch and continued eating my ice cream. Thoughts flew across my mind. I gotta leave.

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