Chpt. 13

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Shawn's P.o.v.

It's been a month since Beyonce has been in the hospital. I paced across the hospital room Beyonce was in. How fucking retarded of me huh? I didnt mean to shoot her. I really didnt. Im just UGH FUCK THIS. I slammed the glass over the table and a huge bit of guilt filled me up. I watched Beyonce. The doctor said it isn't that bad. But it could have been. I mean I dont regret killing Trey, fuck no. But shooting Beyonce I feel so freaking retarded. She been helping me. She was by my side and I fucking shot her. I threw down some of the stuff on the wall and closed my fists with anger. The doctor came in. "Mr. Carter?" I stood up "Yes?" Some of Beyonce's friends came in. They pierced their eyes at me and sat down. I tapped my foot up and down. The doctor spoke. "Mr.Carter, Beyonce is now clinging to the wheel. I held the top of the bed. "What do you mean!?" "We are taking her off of life support." "WHAT!?" "We are going to be pulling the plug next month" I sat down and my heart stopped. "The fuck you mean you be pulling the plug!? You better be talking about that electricity bill!" She looker at me. "I wish I was." she walked out. Beyonce's friends looked at me and then looked at Beyonce. I looked at them. "Look, I know you hate me, but right now, all we can do is pray. I am not taking this in. Beyonce is going to be alive and well. I DECLARE AND DECREE THIS!" I stoof up and they stood up as well and got the idea. We all held hands as I prayed.


I was in the front of Beyonce"s bed on my knees. I been praying for two hours straight. Right then and there I knew I was serious. I've never prayed so long. I started fasting. I haven't eatin in literally two days. I wasn't going to eat. I started going to church more often. Me and Beyonce's friends went to church together and got to know each other better. Beyonce's mother and father came down here as well. We all met up together different parts of the week praying and fasting for her. This was serious! I visited her everyday. I haven't went to work at all. I haven't seen Katie since that day I shot Beyonce. No one knows it was me. But im guessing her friends had a feeling. Cause of the way they looked at me at first but now. We aren't talking about friends. We are focused on Beyonce and only her. I finally got up from my knees and walked to the living room. I brushed off my knees and tears flowed down as I looked up. "God, save her. Please. I'll do anything, just PLEASE." When I said that I heard thunder and the door opened..

Author's P.o.v.

Im updating on freaking purpose. I DONT CARE ABOUT THEM NO MORE. CAUSE I HAVE MORE SUPPORTERS ALL OVER THE PLACE. but does anyone know if you can block accounts on wattpad so they can no longer read your story? AND I WILL BE UPDATING TOMORROW! So yeah. bye love ju guys. ANd ANyone who has an android. update because it looks soooo cool the emojis are so cuuuute lol.

kik- @shiinebright

Instagram- @ruthmonae_

Twitter- @adoreniah


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