Chpt. 20

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Shawn's P.o.v.

I dont know what got into Beyonce but she just changed after I told her we were friends with benefits. I shouldn't have said that. She probably think I was just using her now. Since were on a cruise were stopping different places. Our first stop is Dominica. It's an island a huge one too. I walked to Beyonce's room. I already called her and gave her her morning wake up call. I knocked on the door. When she answered I was speechless. I could tell she had on her swim suit. But, then she had on a dress. A floral one too. It was just beautiful. Her hair was curled all the way through as well. It was light brown and it brought out her brown eyes. She turned and took her purse and looked at me. Her lips were plump and pink. I had to kiss them. I leaned in and tried to but she bent her head forward and held my chest.. She slid beside me and walked downstairs. I closed the door and ran towards her. I took her hand surprisingly she let me hold it. We walked down to the elevator and we walked in. The elevator closed and I looked at her. "Beyonce, stop being distant from me." She shook her head. "Im not, its just for the best. Trust me." We walked out the elevator. "Race ya" she said. She started running out of the ship I ran beside her as she ran outside of the ship. She started walking beside me. "You slow.." she told me. I shrugged. "I just let you win cause you're a woman.." I paused and looked at her. "A very... attractive woman.." She walked to me and pressed her front on mines. She was wearing flats so she was short. "Im attractive huh?" she said seductively. This woman did things to me. I nodded. She smirked at me and kissed the side of my lip but never touched my lips. She backed away slowly and took my hand. We walked down the roads of Dominica. I heard that it has over 80 rivers down here. Beyonce saw a safari so she ran towards it. Poor me had to run that fast. She walked inside the safari and I walked in. We sat down and watched the view. Beyonce looked outside with awe. We saw how beautiful this island was. The safari drove up a hill as we saw a river along with a waterfall. Beyonce pressed the button above her and the man stopped the safari. Me and Beyonce walked out. She took her purse out and gave the man a dollar. She looked at me and took out another dollar and gave the man. We walked towards the river. Beyonce looked at me walked across the rocks. I walked after her. She found a spot by the rocks and laid her towel on the floor she placed her purse on it. She even took out a basket and placed it on the towel. I placed my towel on the floor and sat on it. Beyonce just faced me and pulled her dress up and placed it on her towel. I watched her and my eyes drifted from her faced to her curves. I bit my lip and she backed up from me and ran her hands through her hair. She walked over the rocks and held her nose. I watched her jump into the river. I chuckled as she floated back up to the top. She looked at me. "Come in.." she told me. I stood up and pulled up my shirt and walked in with my swim trunks. I placed my toe in and stepped back. "Cold.." she laughed and grabbed my hand. "Come on.." she said. I shook my head and she pulled me in. She laughed when I floated back up. She jumped on me and wrapped her hands around my neck. I held her legs and sat down on a rock.. "Bey, when I said friends with benefits I didnt mean that I dont care about you.. Cause I do.." She looked me in the eyes. "Keep talking" she whispered to me. "Don't go.. I know this isn't official between us but I promise it will be soon. Just please wait for me." I said. She looked at me. "Forgive me?" I asked. She nodded and looked at me for a while. I wasn't going to lean in cause I thought she'd just say "No." She placed her arm behind my head and she leaned in. But when she leaned in she backed away and faced down. She tried to lean in again but she did it hesitantly. I got tired of her keep backing away so I just kissed her. She pulled back slowly but I pulled her back towards me. She didn't kiss me back. It took her fifteen seconds to kiss me back. Her kiss was sensual, and I felt like I drifted into a different world with her. She slid into the water and brought me down with her. She got back on me and whispered in my ear. "Make love to me" She said. I looked at her. "Right now?" I asked. She nodded.. "Right now.." She whispered. "Beyonce, you so bad.." She smirked and pulled down the bottom part of her bikini. I smirked as I placed her down on the sand and pulled down my trunks. I looked at her again. "You sure?" "Shawn.. enter me.." "Last night you said you don--" She cut me off.. "Shawn.. enter me.." she repeated. I just nodded and held her stomach down and pushed into her. As soon as I pushed into her she arched her back. I went in and out and she held on to my shoulder.. I opened her legs wider and placed my knees under her legs. Its supposed to make her feel all of me. I went slowly and went down to kiss her. She let out a soft moan and gasped during our kisses. She arched her back even more which bent her head backwards making my lips travel down her neck. I lifted the top part of her suit and started letting soft kisses on her breasts. She placed her arms around my neck and sat up. She opened her legs wider as I took my dick out and rub it against her clit. She gasped and I pushed it back in. She stopped breathing for a second and Grabbed my lips with hers bringing me down. We continued for about fourty five minutes until we both climaxed. She sat down on me bringing me down in the water. This was literally the best day ever. Just us, having a wonderful time together. The spontaneous things happening between us. It was just perfect..

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