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Beyonce's P.o.v.

I hanged with this guy Chris for a while. We just came from a restaurant on the ship. Were currently at the pool room. Of course i'm beating his ass in pool. I bent over and placed the pool stick to its place. He walked behind me. "You got aim.." he whispered I chuckled and pushed the stick forward as it went in the hole. He clapped "Impressive" he said. I smiled and made another shot. He glided his hands on my ass. I stood up turned to face him and smirked. He chuckled. "Go on.." He told me. I turned back around and pressed his stomach with my left hand causing him to back off. I bent leand foreward and made another shot. I flipped my hair to the side and walked to the other end. I leaned down to make another shot. He came behind me and leaned on me making his front touch my ass. He took the pool stick and made a shot. I smiled. "That was pretty good.." I said. He laughed. I turned around which made him lean on my front. He smirked at me and I smirked back. "You're eyes are beautiful Beyonce." he said. I smiled. "Thank you Chris." "You're welcome.." he whispered. He leaned in to kiss me. I was about to let him but I pressed my hands on his chest and faced my head down. "Uhm...Chris.. slow down.." I whispered. He wrapped his arms around my waist "Its hard to wait when someone so sexy and beautiful is right in front of you." I chuckled and looked at the time. "Dang its late.." He chuckled "It is.. aint it." He said. I laughed and nodded. He took my hand and walked me to my room. "So who was that guy Beyonce?" he asked. "Who guy?" "The one I keep seeing you with.." "Oh. Thats my boss. Nobody special." I said.. He nodded and reached by my door. I pushed my card in which opened the door. He faced me and I just gazed at him. We stood there for a while. I hugged him and he kissed my cheek. "I hope I see you again Beyonce." I smiled. "I hope I see you again too." I backed in and he held the door. "Beyonce, please kiss me." I thought about it for a sec. I giggled. "Slow down Chris." I smiled and backed in and closed the door. I turned on the lights. I smiled and turned around when I turned around Shawn was there. I jumped. "Where have you been?" he asked me. "Woah, wait. How the hell did you get in here!?" I asked him. He did a mischevious smile. "Beyonce where have you been!?" he asked again. "I was getting my social life." I responded "You know I have feelings for you and you start seeing someone else?" I sighed. "It isn't me I swear. When I first saw him I was drawn.. Im sorry." He looked at me. "You know, you're being a hoe lately." he said. I slapped him. "What the fuck you say!?" I could tell he wanted to slap me back. But I knew that he would never. "I SAID YOU BEING A FUCKING HOE!!" He yelled I slapped him again. This time harder than the last. It sounded off. "I helped you. I aint no hoe. We not together. You used me, and I obviously did the same to you. I loved you. But, I knew this wasn't real when you said "friends with benefits" Shawn. I wanted you to myself." I said all in one breath. He gazed at me. "I want you to myself too." He said. "Then stop being a bitch and ask me out before someone else does! Oh wait. Thats right. YOU'RE FUCKING MARRIED! WHAT AM I YOUR FUCKING MISTRESS!?" I shouted. "Beyonce calm down.." he told me. I slapped him again. "Dont tell me to calm down. Telling me to calm down was like shooting me and wondering why I was bleeding." "You're not my mistress Beyonce." "It sure as hell seems like it! We fuck. We made love. We kissed. Hell, we didnt use condoms most times. I never told you this. But, you took my virginity." I said. He just looked at me. "I did?" he asked. "Shawn FUCK YES! You're ass was so into it you didnt even realize I was a virgin! YOU FUCKING TOOK IT!" I yelled. He smirked. "You want it back? I'll give it back. It won't happen again" he told me. I honestly laughed. "Stop, im trying to be mad at you.." I told him. He stood up. "Beyonce we both know were into each other." He said I walked closer towards him. "We both know we are sexually attracted to each other." I said. "Im definetly sexually attracted to you." he said. "But it doesn't matter cause were not together." I backed up. " sorry Beyonce." he said. I raised my two hands in a surrender mode and walked outside with my purse. I walked down the hall and realized something. I walked back inside. "Wait, this is my room. You get out." he chuckled and then sighed. "Beyonce please.." he told me. He gripped my hand. I looked at him for a while and he blinked at me twice his eyes started watering. I could feel his sadness I eventually gave up. I looked into his eyes as my eyes began watering. "Shawn.. just kiss me!" I exclaimed. He didn't hesitate to kiss me at all. He led me to the bed. I slid my hands around his head and pulled away from the kiss. "Sleep here." I told him. He got next to me and I layed next to him. He gripped my waist and we cuddled for a while. He whispered in my ear. "There isnt anything going on with you and that guy right?" he asked. I nodded slightly and he kissed my forehead. "Good." he said again. I chuckled and fell asleep in his arms. Its like no matter what. I'll always love this man. There aint no way I can let him go. I want him to MYSELF.

Author's Note-

Some of yall make me mad but here. I WAS gonna stop the story there but then realized I shouldn't punish all of yall 2.4k readers rediculous bitches.

Bie love yall


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