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Beyonce's P.o.v.

Me and Shawn were both on the couch and he asked me a question. "Who was it." at that point I knew what he was talking about. I didn't want to say it but I started talking. "It was..." my voice crackled. Shawn looked at me confused. "It was...." he mocked. I layed back and closed my eyes. "It was Trey. He did it. I tried to run but I couldnt. He turned off my head piece so you couldn't hear me screaming. He closed the door locked off the lights and tightned my hands to the chair. When I saw him drop his pants I was scared. I got loose from the chair and slapped him but that made him kick me on my side. Not to mention your wife was there as well. Taping the whole thing." He just sat there listening to everything I said. His eyes slowly turned red and his hand started shaking. I looked at him and saw that his eyes rolled back. I slid back into my chair and his whole body started to shake. I rested my hand on his knee he roughly took it off. I slid back in the chair and held my feet. I was so damn scared. He got up and when he rolled back his eyes it was bold red. I saw him take something out his briefcase and he walked out the door. I didnt hear anything but rims skid and the sound of him driving off.


After twenty minutes I got out of the house and went in my car. I drove to Trey's house since thats the only place he could have been right now. As I drove down the rode I hear police sirens. I stopped the car and rested my head on the wheel. I looked at the police cars drive past me and I continued driving. I drove up to Trey's home. Shawn's car wasn't there but Trey was on the floor bleeding. I got out my car and rushed towards him. I went on my knees and looked at him. I looked at him and noticed that his heart was on the floor. I gasped then I touched the place where his heart was token out of. I got up and slowly returned to my car. The neighbors looked at me. I looked them straight in their eye and drove the way to my house. Trey is dead? My heart stopped for a second and I realized that Shawn had to do that. But he wasn't there. He isn't at my house. "KATIEE!" I screamed on the top of my lungs. I sped off the her house and felt the bunch of tears gathering my face. I passed through stop lights. Fuck them. I passed fast through old ladies. I drove 80 miles per hour until I reached her house. I Jumped out my car not turning off the engine or closing the door. I ran up her door steps and ran through the door. I gasped when I saw Shawn in there red eyed looking at Katie. Katie looked at me but Shawn had no idea that I was in the room. "How could you!?" I heard him say. She didnt look his way. I saw his finger about to hit the trigger as I saw him place the gun by her head. I rushed up to him. "SHAWN NO." He turned around and burst a shot. I fell to the floor. Everything got Black





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