Chapt. 2

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Beyonce's P.O.V.

Its been a month since I've been Shawn's assistant. I woke up around 4 a.m. this morning. I was clean, dressed, full and ready to go. It is now 5:30 a.m. and I am supposed to be there before Shawn is. He is supposed to be there by 6:00 a.m. I closed and locked my door and hopped in my car. I was ready to put up with this damn day. I walked into the elevator. I saw Shawn running towards it so i put my hand in front of the elevator door way.



I pressed "15"

I leaned on the wall.

"You're supposed to be here before me."

"Check the time Boss."

He looked at his watch.

"Oh, so I'm early. For once."

I laughed. The elevator stopped on the 4th floor and Trey walked in.

"Morning Shawn.. Beyonce.."

"Good Morning" we both said

I took out my phone. I just downloaded this app called "flappy birds" I tapped my screen.

I lost on 5

"Shit." I said a little too loud.

Trey and Shawn laughed.

"Pretty girl gotta potty mouth huh." Trey said

"She deserves to have a potty mouth that damn game she is playing makes my dick itch" Shawn said

I dropped my phone when he said that. I was laughing so hard.

"I'm serious though I ain't pass 3 on that dumb ass game!" he continued.

Trey laughed as well.

I bent down to pick up my phone.

"Damn... She got some nice.."

"What?" I looked at Trey.

"You didn't let me finish. You got some nice shoes.. yeah shoes."

Shawn laughed.

"You are so bad at this.." Shawn said.

I laughed.

"I can get little mama any day. Right baby?" Trey said a little too confident.

"Uh, no the fuck you cant."

Shawn laughed even harder. He dropped his papers.

I picked them up for him and gave it to him.

"Thank you"

"No problem."

I walked out of the elevator towards my desk. Shawn followed me.

"You know you can give him a chance right?"

I laughed.

"I would, but you see the way my interest is set up."

Shawn laughed.

"You're too funny Beyonce"

I smiled.

"Look, I'm leaving for lunch early. Care to join me? I get stressed before lunch and i'd love to laugh."

I chuckled.

"Being your assistant is a lot of work. I get stressed too."

"How about we make each other laugh"

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