Chapt. 19

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Beyonce's P.O.V.

I was curled up under Shawn. We were just watching a movie. My foot was on his and my head was on his chest. We ordered room service. Which should be coming any time soon. I forgot what movie we were watching but it was a good one. Too emotional for me. I even started crying. Shawn just wiped my tears when I saw the woman with the man's son and the man ran away from the cops and drove into the water. The name of the movie had the word "Deep" in it. I knew that. Shawn kissed my forehead. "Don't cry.." he told me. I just frowned and looked at the television. Out of no where Shawn started kissing me. He tongued my down and paused the television. I could hear our breathing and pants while we kissed. The door had a knock and Shawn just pressed the button next to the bed to open it and didnt even stop kissing me. I peeked and saw my ex Marques walking in. He looked at us and I pushed away from Shawn and slowly removed my foot off of him. Shawn just looked at me clueless and looked back and saw Marques. Shawn just took out a ten dollar bill and told him to come as he placed the money in his hand. Marques looked at me as Shawn just continued what we were doing before. I saw Marques walk out of the room. I pressed Shawn off of me. He looked at me. "Damn Shawn... You bad.." He chuckled "Don't act like you want an innocent man." "I dont even know if you are my man." I said. "Friends with benefits?" he asked me. I nodded. "So, its agreed to stay with that right?" He nodded I stood up and just walked out the room. Its like he doesn't even care. I dont want him inside of me until that divorce thing is through. I walked back in and Shawn just gave me a blank look. "Don't fuck me until the divorce is through." I told him. He sat up. "Come on, you're being silly." I shook my head. "I want another room." I told him. He frowned and stood up. "You don't want that Beyonce." He pressed me on the wall. "I want it." I said. He smiled. "Well if you insist.." He unzipped his pants. "No. I dont want that.. I want a different room." I zipped his pants back up and walked out the door I walked to the main desk. I saw a lady with blonde hair. "Excuse me. Are there available rooms on this cruise?" I asked her. She did a few clicks on her computer and nodded. "Which room are you in now?" she asked. "214" I said. "315 is available" she said. "I want that." I said. She nodded and asked for my name and all those good stuff. She gave me my key and I walked back to now Shawn's room. He just looked at me. "I cant believe this." he said. "Well believe it baby." I took my suitcase and zipped it as I walked out the room. "Which room are you staying in?" he asked "315" I said. He nodded as I took the elevator down to the floor with 300's. I reached and I walked down the hall until I found my room. I pushed my card in and the door opened. I walked in and heard the phone ring. I answered it and closed the door. "Hey Shawn.." I said knowing it was him since he is the only one who knows my new room. "Why'd you leave?" "I have feelings for you Shawn. Hearing that we could be friends with benefits drove me up the wall.. When you are finished with your divorce we can go back the way things were. I wanted him to myself. "I have feelings for you to. Look at the things I have done for you." "Can I see you tomorrow?" "You havent even took your food." "Bring it to me." I hung up and waited for Shawn to knock. When the door knock I opened it. He walked in and placed the food on the table. He pushed me on the bed and got on top. "I want you." he whispered to me. I gently pushed him off. "I'll see you tomorrow. Where is our stop?" "Dominica" he told me I smiled "I'll see you then." I gave him a peck on the cheek as he walked back out and slammed the door behind him. I chuckled to myself. He'll be aight.

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