Chapt. 55

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Jay's P.O.V.

I woke up next to the most beautiful girl ever. I turned to face her but she was still asleep. I hate when I wake up horny. I'm just praying that when she wakes up she'll feel the same way. I tapped her shoulder. I know she gets mad when I wake her up but I can't have a hard dick all morning. Not to mention her legs being opened and wearing no panties isn't helping. I tapped her shoulder again and this time she actually moved. "Babe.." I whispered. She turned to face me. "Hm?" She asked rubbing her eyes. I swear she is just a fucking beauty.

"Can you help me?" I asked. She sat up. "With what?"

I nudged my head towards my area and she looked there then looked back up at me. When I saw a smirk on her face I felt my area rise up more. She just watched me though. I hope she doesn't tease me because she can be a hell or a tease when she is ready...annnnd there she goes. Here goes the teasing. I thought too soon.

She got up and stood in front of the bed taking off her big t-shirt. Right now her body was exposed right in front of me but I couldn't see it that well. "Do not turn on the lights.." She whispered. I nodded which I doubt she saw and slowly brought off my boxers. She held my area ai her hands moving her hands up and down. I groaned and she climbed on top of my legs sitting down while she just touched it.

"You know I'm mad right?" She asked in a low tone. "Why?" I asked already knowing why. "You woke me up for this but, I'm going to let it slide cause I haven't had some in a minute."

She kept passing her fingers on it and soon her fingers slid under and surprisingly I moaned. She climbed off of me walking towards the door. She opened it and turned on the hallway lights. I saw her ass jiggle while she walked and suddenly I felt my area shot up at the sight. She walked down the hall and about fifteen seconds later she came back and turned off the hallway lights. She walked back in and closed the door.

She sat back on my legs and I saw her place something in her mouth. I didn't question her about it though. She moved it all around and soon I felt her tongue on top of me. I felt coldness travel all around my area and I felt my toes curl. It hit me that she popped an ice in her mouth. I groaned when I felt her slide her tongue around the tip back down. She traveled the tip of her tongue and the ice down the sides and that honestly drove me crazy. I gripped her hair. She kept sucking on me for about seven minutes and when I was reaching my point she stopped and the ice had already melted. She looked at me and I knew what she wanted now. I flipped her over making me on top. I slid off of her and walked down the hall going into the kitchen. I took ice and decided to be a little exploring so I grabbed some whip cream and a few grapes. I walked back down and entered the room. She just watched me and I sat on her. I popped the ice into my mouth and sprayed some whip cream on her area. I took a grape and placed it on her clit. In no time I started feasting. This was like an ice cream sundae to me. Her moans was the toppings.

The way she moans turns me on so much. The more wet she got the more I licked. I traveled up and bit the grape and licked her clit placing the grape in my mouth. I then sprayed a little more whip cream on her and took another grape passing it in between her area getting the whip cream on it. I opened her mouth and dropped the grape in and she started chewing. I passed my lips all in between her and she gripped my hand and with the other my head. She spreaded her legs more.

"Oooh, damn.." She moaned in a whisper. When I felt her reaching her peak I stopped and positioned myself in between her. I gently placed myself in and she gripped my hip immediately.

"Go.." She whispered. I pushed in and rocked her body back and forth. She opened her legs wider. "Faster.."

What she asked for is what I did. I gripped under neath her waist and started pounding into her. "Rough daddy..." She whispered a little louder. I grunted and pushed into her hard, rough and fast. Soon all you heard was the noise of me pushing myself in. She gripped my shoulders.

"Faster Shawnnnn!" She softly yelled. I started going so fast I saw her eyes roll back. "Mm, damn..." She whispered when I slowed down a bit. I went back to pounding her and she placed her hands on my chest. "Dadddy...." She moaned. I smirked when she did. I finally got my name back. I laid down and lifted her up and smashed her on me. She gasped but soon rocked back and forth riding me. "Mm..." She moaned bending her head back. I grunted as she rode. This was so pleasuring I'm not going to lie. I held her waist and started to smash her on me. She moaned each time she was placed down. I felt her tighten around me and that drove me even more crazy. I placed her back down and bent my head back smashing myself into her. She came and it was a little bit more pushing in I had to do before I got mines. I held it in and started murdering her little kitty kat. She moaned and arched her back rubbing her clit back and forth.

"Daddy!!" She moaned. "Yes baby, say my name.." I whispered. She started to pant when I shot my liquids inside of her. I leaned in and kissed her passionately. "Damn baby.." I told her after I bit her bottom lip. She chuckled and smirked. "Did you get longer?" She asked. I laughed. "Maybe.." I said chuckling along with her. I kissed her lips. "Round two?" I whispered into her ear. She nodded and tugged onto my shoulders. She held my area and pushed it back into her.

"Why does it feel so fucking goooood?!" She moaned. She held my back pushing me into her even more.

"You're so right baby..." I said. She arched her back and kept pushing me into her. I can't lie. It felt good to see her springing over this part of me.


It's been a while since a proper sex scene. But, if you had noticed no names were called except Shawn's.. Take note. 💞💞💞💖💖

**Ruthy.. 😈😈🙈

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