Chpt. 44

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Shawn's P.O.V.

It's been about a month since Beyonce's been mad at me.

I woke up with my neck and back hurting me. I got up from the floor and walked upstairs. I walked towards Beyonce and she placed her hand in my face.

Damn this woman can hold a grudge..

I placed my arms around her waist. I could tell she missed me touching her by the way her body responded. She slowly rested her hand on mines and slid it across her waist making my hands travel down her thighs off of her. She turned around and faced me.

"Can you please stop being mad at me." I told her.

"I'm not mad.. I want distance. You're a stranger. You walked in here like you know me." she told me.

My heart melted.

You're a stranger...

I sighed and backed away. "You can be a real bitch.." I said turning around walking towards the shower.. I heard her sigh.




I sat in front of my desk and knocked my pen up and down. I was really hurt. Yes, we had our share of mistakes. She fucked that guy on the cruise. Didn't she? I forgave her. I tell someone I love them and she does this. I opened my computer and went towards my email. I scrolled through it until I saw Katy's email address. I clicked on it.

"I'm not dead.." It read. I sighed and face palmed myself. I did a huge groan. I slammed my laptop close and my door slowly creeped open. Beyonce walked in. She closed the door behind her and locked it.

"Shawn.." she said.

I looked at her with no emotion. I digged in my brief case and pulled out an envelope. I gave it to her. She opened it and looked at the money. She closed her eyes and closed the envelope back giving it to me.

"That's the rent payment." I told her.

She walked around my desk and sat on my lap. "I don't care about that. Please hold me like you did this morning." she whispered.

I leaned back on my chair. "Oh so now you miss me?" I asked.

"Shawn.. Touch me." she silently said. I wrapped my arms around her and she leaned on my chest.

I rubbed my hands on her thighs. "Beyonce.. You know I love you so much. Yes I did still love my ex wife. We been together over a decade. I mean how could I not. But, I promise you. That's long gone. I only love you now." I told her.

She bit her bottom lip and looked at my face.. "Shawn. I'm leaving." She said. I looked into her eyes. "What? Why?"

She shrugged. "I have no job, I may be going to jail again. I can't take the pressure. I'm sorry to say this but, I think we have to stay broken up."

"Beyonce.. You can have your job back. You won't be going to jail cause Katy isn't dead." I told her..

She sat up on me and glared at me. "She's not?" I shook my head. "You probably flinged her on the back porch not completely outside. You're so freaking weak."

She playfully rolled her eyes. "Damn.. I wish I did." she said. I laughed. "So are you going to stay?"

She shook her head. "Your causing my life in danger.." She told me. I gasped. "ME?"

She nodded. "Before I met you everything was perfect. Now I'm fighting. Going to jail. My mama isn't even replying to me."

I sighed. "Beyonce stay please. I'll get your mom here.."

"Shawn.. I don't think you can't. She practically hates me. Everyone hates me. My best friend, my sister, my dad, my mom... You.." she whispered to me..

"I'll get them here. Trust me. I got this.. I don't hate you.." I told her..

"What about this morning? You can be a real bitch..." She said mocking me.

"I didn't mean to say that."

"Well.. you did.."

I sighed. "Beyonce I love you to the death of me."

She stood up and placed my laptop down. She then moved everything off of my mahagony table.

"Show me.." she whispered.

"If I do you'll stay?" I asked.

She nodded and layed down on the desk. I pulled her skirt down and admired the woman I haven't gotten to touch in a while. I pulled down her panties. She slid my pants down with her feet. I raised my eyebrows. "Impressive.." I told her. She smirked and pulled her shirt off. Her hear hanged off the table looking the sexy as always. I pulled down my boxer and she held it. "Shawn.. go slow.. It's been a while.." she whispered. I nodded and gently pushed into her. She was hella tight. I held her stomach and thrusted into her as she moaned my name quietly. She gripped the table and I leaned in and kissed her. She moved her waist in circles obviously enjoying everything I was giving her. I sat her up and pushed into her a bit faster until I broke that hymn that she got. I pulled out and she looked up at me. I rubbed it against her clit pleasuring her. "Ooh, mm.." She moaned. I held her waist and pushed her towards me making her bang against me. She placed her right leg on my shoulder and I thrusted into her harder than the last. "Say my name.." I whispered into her ear.. She groaned.. "Shawn.." she whispered. Her head bang against the desk. "Louder.." I told her.. "Shaaaawnnn... Mm.." she moaned. I pressed my lips on hers and gave her a passionate kiss. She bit my bottom lip. "I missed this.." She moaned. I licked down her lips towards her neck.. "Me too baby.."

"Daddy...Baby.. Slow.. mm..Downnnn.." She moaned dragging her words. I slowed down a bit. She enjoyed that. She gripped her own hair. I started banging the shit out of her and she bit her bottom lip and pulled my thigh.. "Agh.. Uht uht.." She said.. Her moaning turned me on even more. I flipped her over making her go on her stomach. I then pushed into her and she bent her head down holding in her moans. I slid my hand against her ass and banged into her. "Mm, Shawn babe.. I'm coming.." she moaned out. "Wait for daddy baby.." I said. She went crazy for a while flipping her hair to the side and all. I got to admit. She was being sexy and she didn't even know. I came inside of her and she came onto me as well. She turned around and faced me. She gave me a huge smile. The glow of after sex filled her face and I knew it filled mine as well.

"I missed us doing that..." She whispered. "Me too.." I passionately kissed her..

Author's P.O.V.

Sooooo, somebody ALMOST pissed me off. Ha! I ain't even goan be mad though. She goan say "Don't say weave its rude." I should have damn well put the word weave again in this chapter. But I like being nice. Its nice to be important but it's more important to be nice. So I'm gonna overcome that. I love ya'll and whoever said that. I love you too! Alright Bye babies...


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