Chpt. 6

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Shawn's P.O.V.

I woke up at 4:00 with my wife not beside me. I looked around the house and she was no where to be found. I sighed when I didn't see her. Normally she is always next to me. I decided to call her.




It went straight to her voicemail.

"Hey its Katie Carter, sorry im busy but you know what to do leave a voicemail and ill get right back to you. Later."

I sat down on the couch.

"Hey baby, its me. Call me back"

I hung up and turned on my head piece.

"Beyonce." i said.

I heard some grunting and yawns. It was about a minute when she answered

"Yea Shawn."

"Where are you?"

"In bed."

"Get up."

"I dont need to be at work until 6:30"

"I know, but wheres my wife?"

"How would I know. I dont even talk to her"

I grunted. "Can I come over?"

"For what?"

"I aint staying home if she aint home."

"Whatever, come."

I jumped in the shower and put on my work clothes. I then went in my car and drove over to her house. I knocked on her door. She opened it. She had on a tank top and boxer shorts. It looked like she threw on a light blue cardigan over it when she knew I was coming.

She stretched and her stomach appeared. She rested her hands to her side.

"Come in."

I walked in and she closed the door behind me.

"Why you dressed up?"

"So I can just go to work after this."

"You're planning on staying here until its time for you to leave!?" she whispered.

"Pretty much."

"Whatever" she put her hand in my face and I licked it.

"Oh, Shawnnn!" she whined as she wiped it off on her boxers.

I laughed. and sat on the couch she was standing in front of me.

"May I ask you a question?"

she nodded "Ask."

"Why boxers?"

She chuckled "Anyone can be a stud."

I smiled.

"You woke me up. Now im going back to sleep"

"No, dont go."

"Ugh, Shawn. you are gonna give me a ton of work later and I know it. Everything you dont wanna do you give it to me, and I aint getting paid extra!"

I laughed and took out my wallet. I took out a couple hundred dollar bills and handed it to her.

"Shawn, I was just playing.

I opened her hand and placed the money in it and closed her fist. She smiled at me.

"Im still going back to bed."

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