Chpt. 51

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Shawn's P.O.V.

I grunted as I came to my climax. Thank God for my new girlfriend. I layed my lips on hers after and we both tongued each other down. After a while I released the kiss and pulled my boxers up.

"Baby" she called. I looked at her. "Does your maid live here or something?" she asked.

She was talking about Beyonce.

I laughed. "She's not my maid babe. That's my ex.."

She huffed. "Why does she live here!?" she asked slightly yelling.

"Because she just became my ex yesterday. Calm down sunshine.." I whispered at her. She pulled up her panties and shorts.

"Oh alright.."

I smiled. "That's my girl.."

She let out a soft chuckle.


I left Cheryl sleeping on the couch and walked up the stairs. The fuck is Beyonce doing up at 12:13 a.m.

I grunted and opened the guest room. She looked at me and soon I was in awe.

She was in a tight black dress and her brown gold hair was curled all the way through touching her shoulders.

I watched her as she placed on her heels.

"And where do you think you're going?" I whispered. She rolled her eyes and turned around walking to the dressing table. My eyes slipped down to her rear end.

"Stop looking at my ass Shawn.." she said spraying perfume on her.

She turned back around and grabbed her phone.

"Where are you going?" I asked her again. She sighed. "Out."

She was about to walk out the door but I blocked it. She placed a hand on her hip and watched me.

"I still love you.." I whispered at her.

She rolled her eyes. "Shawn get out the fucking way.." she hissed trying to push me out the way to go down stairs.

"No! Where are you going!?"

She looked at me and her hair flipped up when I held her neck gently. She suddenly flinched when I touched her. She grabbed my hand taking it off.

"Please don't kill me.." she whispered.

My heart dropped when she said that. Was I that bad a threat towards her?

I let my hand off of her neck and moved aside.

She grabbed her purse and rushed out of there fast as hell. I sighed when I saw her grab her keys and walk out the door.



I had a drink in my hand. I got to admit I missed the single life a tiny bit.

I'm in the V.I.P. section because the owner of the club recognized me because I used to be with Shawn.

I moved my hips slowly with my drink. Even though I was by myself I just tried to keep my mind off of Shawn. I mean, if he moved on. Why can't I?

I took a sip of my patron when I felt a soft hand glide across my waist. I looked up.

No way..

"You're Beyonce right?" he asked. I nodded dumbly and he chuckled and sat down. He made a gesture for me to sit next to him and so I did. "What brings you here? Aren't you taken?" he asked. I shook my head. "Broke up with Shawn?" he asked. "He broke up with me."

He gave me a stare.

"What? Who would do that? Have he looked at you!?" He slightly yelled.

I chuckled. "He have. Trust me.."

He chuckled. "Well, I'm Trey."

"I know who you are.." I said with a smile. He laughed. "Yeah..Yeah.. So look you want to dance or?"

I nodded and he reached out his hand. I took it and he flashed me a smile, I gave him a smile back.

I walked around him and he chuckled and gripped my waist a little tighter.

I can't lie and say I wasn't a little nervous because he was indeed a famous singer.

I slowly walked in front of him and he wrapped both of his arms around me. It took me a while to get comfortable in someone elses arms than Shawn. I settled myself and soon I started grinding in front of him a little slowly. But, when I felt him lay on my direct end I moved my hips. I turned my head behind and wrapped my left arm around his neck. He pecked my neck softly and I backed up on him a little more powerful than the last.

"Shawn missing out.." he whispered in my ear. I did a slight smile and he stopped grinding on my end and walked in front of me and danced. I chuckled and he started dropping low to the floor moving his hips side to side like I was doing. He wrapped his arm around my neck. I held my mouth and laughed.

"That was so not me.." I said laughing. He popped his ass on me and soon I was the one grinding on his rear end. I chuckled as I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Ayee..." he said along with the song. I laughed and continued smashing him on me. He soon turned around and placed a hand on his hip really acting like me.

I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Trey GAY!" Someone yelled. I laughed harder and he placed the middle finger up in the air. He took my hand and went behind of me bending me over and smashing me unto him. I was so not ready. It caught me offgaurd. I gasped and held my knees and backed up on him as well. He tugged my waist tight and literally grinned my down to the floor making me wine my waist back on him. I got to say, I was having some fun.

I held my cup in the air and kept dancing. "You're a great dancer.." He whispered in my ear. "Thanks.."

He chuckled and nodded, he then got off of me and faced me in the front grinding all in front of me. I raised my eyebrows and did the same thing he did. He moved his hips down the floor and so did I. He chuckled and chucked underneath my chin. "You're so cute at TRYING to dance like me.." He said moving his waistline all the way around in circles. "Oh really?" I asked spinning around with my back facing him and popping my behind to the beat of the song. I popped my behind out and started to dance. I held my knees and popped it at the base of the song. I stood back up and moved my hips in circles just like what he did. "Damn.." He whispered. I chuckled. "You beat me.." He continued. I laughed. "I win everything.."

He rolled his eyes and I laughed.


"Where the fuck were you Beyoncé?!" Shawn yelled. I pushed past him and walked up the stairs. "Beyoncé!" He yelled. I sighed and turned around. "What?! You moved on.." I hissed he rolled his eyes. "Beyoncé..."

"CHERYL!" I shouted. His girlfriend immediately ran towards him. "Say what you was gonna say in front of her??"

"Baby.." He said turning to face her. I gushed and sighed. "I was just telling her that she needs to move out."

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