Chapter 1: Uriah's date

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Hello! So I have developed an obsession with FourTris fanfics so I decided to write one! Let's see how it goes.

I don't own any of the characters, Veronica Roth does.

This is set after Allegiant.


Tris' POV

It's been two months since Caleb sacrificed himself, and I still feel terrible about it. I should have taken his place, but I didn't so there's nothing I can do about it. I miss him. 

However, I have Tobias, the love of my life, and my friends, Christina, Zeke, Shauna, Matthew, Cara, Susan and Uriah. I am so happy Uriah woke up before he was unplugged. 

I'm now living with Tobias in the Dauntless compound. Christina, Uriah, Zeke and Shauna live here too. Matthew decided to move to the Erudite compound with Cara, because they are dating now, and Susan went back to Abnegation. I also find out Peter went to Abnegation. Peter a stiff, ironic.

I am in our apartment, when I heard a knock on the door.

I open the door to find Christina with a smile from ear to ear.

"OMG Tris!" Chris yells as she goes into my apartment.

"Hey! Calm down! What happened?!"

"Wait. Where is Four?"

"He's working. Now tell me!"

She holds her breath and then yells again, "Uriah asked me out!"

I feel so happy for her! She's been so depressed after Will; and Uriah and is an amazing guy and a great friend. 

"Chris that's amazing!"

"Yes! We are going to a nice restaurant tomorrow night. Oh, but there's one little detail..."

"What detail...?" I ask suspiciously. 

"Don't hate me! I was scared things may get awkward so we decided that it will be a double date. With you and Four."

Well. I didn't see that one coming. Anyway, it's okay I just wanted to have more time with Tobias, alone. He has been working a lot lately and finally decided to change jobs so we could spend more time together. Now that the factions are back in Chicago, Tobias has been working in the government with Evelyn and Cara (who also works in the government) to put things back together, so that our city can be like it used to. He's still going to work in government but less hours - 9:00am to 6:00pm. I also work, I have taken Tori's place at the tattoo parlour but I only work from 2:00pm to 6:00pm.

"Chris, it's fine. Really. I will tell Tobias."

"Yay! Tris you are the best! So tomorrow at eight o'clock. We will pick you up."

"Okay, we'll be ready." 

"Want to go to the cafeteria?"

"Yeah, sure."

Christina and I walk to the cafeteria where we sit with Shauna, Zeke and Uriah.

I sit next to Shauna, who is sitting next to Zeke; and on my other side Christina sits next to Uriah.

"Chris, did you tell her?" Uriah whispers to Christina.

"Tell her what?" Zeke says.

"None of your business bro," Uriah snaps.

"Tell Tris to go on a double date with me and Uriah," Christina says a second later. Uriah gave her a look. 

"Hey!" Zeke hits Uriah on the head "Why did you ask Tris and not me? I'm your brother."

"Because you would be making fun of me the whole time," Uriah replies, hitting Zeke on the head.

"It's true babe," Shauna says.

"Well, yeah. But that's the fun part! Don't be a pansycake," Zeke says pointing at Uriah. 

"Fine. You can go. Tomorrow at 8:00, I will pick you up. Dress fancy."

"Oooh fancy," Zeke teases.

"Where are we going anyway?" I ask.

"It's a surprise." Uriah answers.

After we eat, Christina insists on walking me to the tattoo parlour.

"Tris, we NEED to go shopping."

"I knew you were gonna say that," I tease with a disgust look in my face. "But I have work, remember?"

"Yeah, I know, me too. But tomorrow before lunch, ok? It'll be fun."

Christina works at a clothing store, which surprises nobody who knows her. 

"Fine," I reply. "But fun? No promises."

Thanks for reading! Remember to vote and comment!

This is my first fanfic so I hope you enjoy it!

Edited by @TheFangirlFairy

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