Chapter 17: Such a Normal Day

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Tris POV

"I'll never let you go" Tobias says before he kiss me.

I kiss him back while my hand looks for the hem of his shirt.
I found it and pull it off.


"I'm starving!" I say to Tobias as I stand from the couch looking for my clothes, they are everywhere!

"Me too." Tobias says putting his clothes on too.

"I'll text Chris to meet us in the cafeteria."


When I check my phone, which was on the kitchen, I found 4 texts.

From: Christina
Tris! I have free time, wanna keep planing the weeding?

From: Christina
Tris? Are you mad? Why don't you awnser me?

From: Uriah
Hey Tris, Chris is really upset, are you mad with her?

From: Christina
Can you at least tell me why you are mad? I went to look for you, but no one awnser. Am I that annoying?

I can't believe Chris thinks I'm angry at her, I mean, she hasn't do anything bad to me. I call her.


"Babe, what's wrong?" Tobias asks, worried.

"Nothing, Chris thinks I'm mad at her, cuz I didn't awnser her texts".


Tobias rolls his eyes "Chris can be so silly sometimes. Why don't we go look for her-" he's cut by Chris voice in the phone.

"Tris?!" She asks excited.

"Hey Chris! I just wanted to make things clear, I-"

"Wait. Aren't you mad?"

"No! Let me explain. I'm not mad at you, at all. I didn't-" she cuts me again.

She signs "Great! I was really sad about it and confused, because I didn't remember doing anything bad to you".

"Yeah, about that-"

"Why didn't you awnser me then?"

She is my best friend and I love her but in this moment I really want to kill her, not literaly, but almost.


"Okay, okay, sorry."

"I was about to explain. I didn't awnser you BECAUSE I was with Tobias, and-" she cut me. AGAIN!

"And you were busy getting over your fear" I roll my eyes even when she couldn't see me "I get it. I get it. It's okay".

"Whatever Chris, whatever. Anyway, wanna catch up at the cafeteria?" Tobias wraps his hands around my waist and kisses my neck.

"See ya in 5" she's about to hang up when I moan. Tobias! "Tris! Did you just moan?!"

Stop it! I think, I really wish Tobias could hear that!

"No...that would be weird" I say trying to hide it. I blush.

"Tris, even trough the phone, I know you are lying! And I know what I heard"

Tobias makes me moan again and I just can't handle it anymore "Tobias! I'm on the phone! Stop for 2 minutes!"

He laughs and leaves to the kitchen.

I put the phone back to my ear to hear Christina laughing.
I roll my eyes.

"Finish laughing?" She only laughs more.

"" She says between laughs. "Okay, now I am. Hahaha I knew it! You too are so cute and sexually active." She teases.

"Whatever Chris, whatever" I say again "And what about you and Uriah? Really want me to comment about that?"

"Whatever Tris, whatever" she imitates me. "See ya in 5, seriously this time."

"Okay, bye." I say before hanging up.

I hear Tobias laughing while coming back to the living room.

I hit him in the chest "you HAD to do that, don't you?"

"Absolutly!" He says before peeking me on the lips.

We hold hands and leave to the cafeteria, where we already find Shauna, Zeke and Uriah.
We sit with our food and say hi.

"Shauna! I almost forgot! Are you feeling better?" I ask worried.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks." I smile and nod.

Cris just appears and sits next to Uriah.

"Guys! I HAVE to tell you about this..." She tells everyone about our recent phone call causing me to blush, as always. Everyone laughs, including me and Tobias. Zeke high fives Tobias and then Tobias puts her arm around my shoulders and I lean my head on his shoulder.

"Aww" Shauna and Christina say when they see as.

"You are seriously the cutest couple ever" Christina says.

I look to Tobias and he awnsers Chris "Cute? We aren't cute! We are too brave and rude dauntless!" Our friends just laugh "right six?"

"Of course Four!" I say kissing him, but I pull back before he can kiss me back to tease him.
Anyway he kisses me and I kiss him back.

"No PDA!" Uri sceams throwing us something.

"Shut up Uri! Let them be!" Chris says.

Anyway we pull appart and we both are smiling wildly.
I take a look at what Uri throw us. A spoon.

"Really Uri? A spoon?" I say laughing.
They laugh too.

"The first thing I could find"

We continue talking and eating until we have to leave for work.
Tobias is walking me to my job. We are holding hands and talking about random stuff.

"Hey! Where's my goodbye kiss?" He says when I start walking inside the tatto parlor.

I go back and kiss him quickly. I'm about to walk inside, again, but he pull me by the wrist and kisses me more.

"Tobias!" I say pulling away after a while of kissing him back. "Control. I have to work, see ya later." I say getting inside.
He laughs and starts to walk away, when I remember!

To: Tobias
Don't even think of getting drunk again!

From: Tobias
I trust you too babe! Lovya 😘

I laugh at his text and pull my phone away.


Hi guys!

I want you to help me with this: I love this story and I plan to continue it, but I want to know whta would you prefer:

A. To continue their normal happy life
B. Normal life, but give them some problem, keep it interesting!
C. An enemy attack again
D. Other

Comment which you prefer, help me!

I have 1.1k reads!
I can't believe it! It's just...hfb uh,eabculaeybcf
Thank you guys, you are all amazing and I love you.

Kik me: Im_a_Demigod_Tribute

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