Chapter 8: Evil starts with E

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Tobias POV

I wait for Tris inside the appartment. She arrives after a few minutes and apologizes for being late. She's such a stiff.
We take longer than I expected to get to my old Abnegation house.
I knock on the door. And Evelyn quickly opens.

"You're late." Evelyn says.

"I know." I refuse to apologize, I'm not Abnegation anymore.

"Sorry will have been enough." She says as she waves us to go in.

I roll my eyes.
Tris smiles with that, so I smile too.
We follow her to the dining room. There is a 6 persons rectangle table, Marcus used it to invite his friends from work. I sit on the head of the table. Tris at my right. Evelyn to my left.

"Tobias, what's wrong with your girlfrind? Someone cut her tongue?"

"My tongue is in its place, thank you for your concern." Tris awnsers emotionless.

That's my girl!

"So why don't you talk? You are scared?"

"Eve-" Tris cuts me.

"I don't talk cuz I don't want to.'

"What terrible manners! You don't only interrupt Tobias, you are spoiled and ungratefull!"

She crossed the line.
I stand up and so does Tris. I take her hand.

"I came because you asked me to. But we are not staying here, to hear you insult my future wife!" I yell at her as we head to the front door.

"Your WHAT?!"

"His future wife." Tris says sharply as we leave and slam the door.


We run to catch the train. We jump in and we both sit together on the door looking the city as we pass by.

"I'm so sorry Tris. We shouldn't have go."

"It's okay. You picked me over your own mother. What else can I ask for."

I smile and give her a soft kiss on the lips.
I feel her smiling againts my mouth.
She kisses me back.
And we just stay that way for a while. Then I wrap my arm around her shoulder and she leans her head on my shoulder until it's time to jump. She takes my hand and we jump.


We are both tired so as soon as we get home we fall asleep. My arms are wraped around Tris, as always. It's the only way I feel she's save.


I wake up but Tris isn't there. I look everywhere for her.

"Tris!" I scream in desesperation.

I run to Cristina's, then Uriah's, then Zeke's, the to the cafeteria and then to the pit and the chasm, the tatto parlor, the shop, but she isn't anywhere to be found. I think of possible enemies.

Marcus isn't in Chicago.
David doesn't remember a thing.
Peter either.
Jeanine is dead.
Eric is dead.



Sorry for the short chapter! But I posted today instead of tomorrow. I'll post again tomorrow.

I wanted to make the story more dramatic and actually have some action going on, so I hope you like it.

Thanks for the reads!! I got to 64 reads!

Don't forget to comment and vote!

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